Michael Bastasch

AP Fails to Report Judge's No-Conspiracy Claim in Cities' Climate Suit
March 23rd, 2018 12:36 AM
On Wednesday, a U.S. judge began considering lawsuits brought by San Francisco and Oakland, California claiming that multinational oil companies conspired to keep the alleged facts about alleged global warming from the public. Clearly the most newsworthy development, reported by advocates and skeptics alike, is District Judge William Alsup's contention that evidence submitted by plaintiffs of…

Press Virtually Ignoring Lisa Jackson's Use of 'Alias' Email Accounts
November 20th, 2012 8:12 PM
It's been over a week since the Michael Bastasch at the Daily Caller exposed EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson's use of alias email accounts to conduct official business. A Monday evening Investor's Business Daily editorial noted that this practice is more than likely illegal, because "Federal law prohibits the government from using private emails for official communications unless they are…