Mary Beth Sheridan

WHOA: WashPost Finds Mexicans Have Had Enough with These Caravans!
April 8th, 2019 2:23 PM
Chalk this one up to a blind squirrel finding a nut once in a while. Splashed across the front page (and above the fold) of Saturday’s Washington Post was a stunning piece that admitted many Mexicans are, like Americans on the other side of the U.S-Mexico border, “migrant-weary,” frustrated by the near-constant flow of illegal immigrants, exhausting resources, and overrunning shelters.

WaPo Sees 'Liberation with an Islamic Tone' in Transitional Libyan Gov
October 24th, 2011 12:35 PM
"Libya’s top leader declared the country officially 'liberated' Sunday from the four-decade rule of Moammar Gaddafi, pledging to replace his dictatorship with a more democratic but also a more strictly Islamic system," Washington Post staff writer Mary Beth Sheridan noted in the lead paragraph of her October 24 front-page article, "Libya declares liberation days after Gaddafi death."

WaPo Tucks Story Noting 'U.S. Still Awaiting Libya's Permission to Eva
February 23rd, 2011 12:59 PM
"U.S. still awaiting Libya's permission to evacuate Americans," blared the headline for a page A6 story in today's Washington Post.
"The United States has been unable to get Libya's permission to evacuate American citizens from the country, State Department officials said Tuesday, prompting the administration to temper its response to the Libyan crackdown," Post staffers Mary Beth Sheridan…