Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

'Ted Cruz is Khalid Sheikh Mohammed' Declares Unusually Unhinged Thom
October 8th, 2013 7:14 PM
.... and the envelope please for Most Overwrought Hyperbole from Left-Wing Radio Host Rendered Deranged by Government Shutdown ... the winner is .... Thom Hartmann ... and it was the unanimous decision of our judges! (cue applause)
Alas, Hartmann will be unable to accept the award in person, seeing how the ceremony conflicted with the next round of his strictly monitored medication schedule…

Military Incapable of Rendering 'Real' Justice for Jihadists, Maddow S
May 9th, 2012 7:57 PM
Rachel Maddow loves to gush of her admiration for Americans who serve in uniform. She also complains how it's borderline criminal that New York City has not held a ticker-tape parade for soldiers who served in Iraq.
It's all posturing, nothing more. Maddow considers the military contemptible, as true-blue leftists always do. (video clip after page break)

Maher Cheers Murder of U.S. Citizen Awlaki Despite Favoring Civilian T
October 1st, 2011 4:47 PM
It really has been amazing watching dovish media members who were perpetually complaining about the terrorist detention center at Guantanamo Bay and the enhanced interrogation of its residents when George W. Bush was president now cheering the assassination of United States citizen turned terrorist Anwar al-Awlaki.
A fine example of this hypocrisy occurred on HBO's "Real Time" Friday when the…

Liberal Policies Lose on a Day America Wins
May 3rd, 2011 5:41 AM
Sunday was an historic day for America, an historic victory in the War on Terror - Usama Bin Laden, the man who had ordered the death of over 3,000 Americans on 9/11, had finally been killed. It was also an historic revelation that, conducting the war according to far-left liberal policies would have prevented this day from ever happening.
AP: Secret Prisons and Harsh Interrogation Techniques Worked; Will TV
May 2nd, 2011 4:43 PM
Update (17:38 EDT on May 4): Rush Limbaugh mentioned this post on his May 3 program. You can listen to that by clicking here.
Well, this should be interesting.
The AP is reporting (preserved here in case the report devolves, as such things very often do) that "secret prisons" and "harsh interrogation techniques" were involved in getting the "first strands of information" that ultimately led…
Brooks: 'What Biden Said on [MTP] Today Will be Laughed at Around the
February 14th, 2010 2:42 PM
New York Times columnist David Brooks says that what Vice President Joe Biden told NBC's David Gregory Sunday concerning the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed in New York City doesn't pass the laugh test."What Joe Biden said on ['Meet the Press'] today will be laughed at around the Arab world."Maybe even more shocking, speaking during the panel discussion segment that followed Biden's interview,…
Liberal WaPo Columnist: Obama Terrorism Policy Does Not Make Me Feel S
February 2nd, 2010 10:57 AM
Just how little confidence is there in the ability of the Barack Obama administration to fight terrorism? So little that even liberal Washington Post columnist Richard Cohen is now mocking the pathetic efforts of this administration in his latest column:There is almost nothing the Obama administration does regarding terrorism that makes me feel safer. Whether it is guaranteeing captured…
Chris Matthews Calls Uber-liberal Dianne Feinstein a 'Centrist' and 'T
January 28th, 2010 5:45 PM
In 2008, she achieved a 100% liberal rating by the group Americans for Democratic Action. The same year she voted with conservatives just 4 percent of the time, according to the American Conservative Union. Her lifetime ACU rating is also in the single digits at a mere 9.06.So let's not tell Chris Matthews, shall we. [audio available here] The "Hardball" host today described the California…
Petitions Against Domestic Trials for Polanski, KSM Show Hollywood's T
December 7th, 2009 10:31 AM
Hollywood liberalism has some strange priorities. During the last couple months, two high-profile criminals have been slated to face justice in American courts. The first drugged and raped a young girl in 1977. The second orchestrated the most deadly attack against American civilians in our nation's history.Decisions to try them in the United States were controversial, but a petition against the…
Liberal CBS Legal Analyst: I Wasn't That Political, and When I Was, It
December 1st, 2009 4:07 PM
The same CBS legal analyst who...: wrote that former Vice President Cheney "is just a dick"labeled Chief Justice John Roberts "silly and condescending" and Justice Alito a "rigid starboard-facing ideologue"and blamed Karl Rove for the Valerie Plame leak despite the fact that Richard Armitage admitted that he was the inadvertent leaker of that now ending his CourtWatch blog, all…
John King: Holder Didn't Want To Admit KSM Trial Precedent Setting
November 21st, 2009 11:55 AM
CNN's John King on Thursday claimed Attorney General Eric Holder intentionally avoided Sen. Lindsey Graham's "stumping" question during the previous day's Senate Judiciary Committtee hearing because he didn't want to admit that trying Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 suspects in a criminal courtroom is indeed precedent setting.As NewsBusters reported Wednesday, Holder appeared stumped when…
Bozell Column: Seeing Moral Grays in
November 17th, 2009 10:55 PM
Picking up the Sunday paper on November 15 could make a reader a little airsick – even while standing in the driveway. The Washington Post "news analysis" on the front page carried the headline "9/11 trial could become a parable of right and wrong: Before worldwide audience, both prosecution, defense seek control of narrative." Does The Washington Post really think that the death and destruction…
Kossacks Hail KSM Civilian a Weapon Against 'BushCo
November 17th, 2009 10:17 AM
Although many in the mainstream media write off the Democratic Underground as somewhat sanity challenged, they continue to praise the Daily Kos Kossacks as somehow being "reasonable progressives." The truth is that the Kossacks are every bit as loony as their DU cousins as you can see in this Daily Kos thread about what they hope will be the real outcome of the civilian trial of 9/11 mastermind…