Media Help Flailing Liberals Spread Message on Abortion, Gay Rights

October 29th, 2010 1:51 PM
It’s no secret that the nation is preparing for a GOP tidal wave with significant conservative victories in the Senate and House next Tuesday. The election has essentially focused on domestic economic policy. Conservative candidates have been gaining ground with a popular job growth/lower taxes/revive the economy mantra. But desperate liberal Democrats have suddenly shifted the focus from the…

Maddow Laments That Five Pro-Life GOP US Senate Candidates Have No Rap

September 20th, 2010 1:06 PM
Wow, I didn’t realize this until watching radical left MSNBC host Rachel Maddow’s September 16 rant bemoaning the “great, unacknowledged, big honking policy issue of this year’s elections nationwide.” That is, at least 5 Republican, Tea Party-backed US Senate pro-life candidates oppose aborting innocent babies whose fathers are sexual criminals.With Christine O’Donnell of Delaware newly added…

CNN's Cafferty Takes 'Moron' GOP Candidate's Comment Out of Context

August 11th, 2010 6:47 PM
On Wednesday's Situation Room, CNN's Jack Cafferty, following the lead of NBC's Kelly O'Donnell, didn't provide the context of a remark made by Republican Senate candidate in Colorado Ken Buck, thus giving the impression that he was sexist, and went on to label him a "moron."Cafferty began his 5 pm Eastern hour commentary by characterizing Tuesday's primary results as possibly being good news for…

NBC's Chuck Todd on Hardball Ponders: Is Ken Buck, 'Sharron Angle in D

August 11th, 2010 6:29 PM
NBC's chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd, substitute hosting for Chris Matthews, on Wednesday's Hardball, managed to question the political viability of two Republican candidates in one sentence as he asked his guest panelist, Jonathan Martin of the Politico, "Is Ken Buck, you know, Sharron Angle in drag?" [audio available here]Going over the results of yesterday's primary races with…

NBC's O'Donnell Casts GOP Primary Winner As a Sexist

August 11th, 2010 1:31 PM
Democratic Senator Michael Bennet got his own live spot on Wednesday's Today show to make his pitch to Colorado voters, but his Republican opponent only got a brief soundbite, that came after a clip of him that put him in a negative, even sexist light. While Today co-anchor Ann Curry chatted live with Bennet in the first half hour, NBC's Kelly O'Donnell only gave Republican candidate Ken Buck a…

Maddow Guest Harris-Lacewell Describes Abortion Providers as 'Terminat

August 8th, 2010 1:50 PM
That's odd, those describing themselves as pro-choice usually aren't this candid when it comes to abortion.On her MSNBC show Thursday night, Rachel Maddow spoke with Princeton professor Melissa Harris-Lacewell about Republican Senate candidates Rand Paul, Sharron Angle and Ken Buck opposing abortion, including for pregnancies conceived through rape or incest.Harris-Lacewell said this in response…