Julio Miguel Blanco Garcia

Yet Again, WashPost Omits Illegal Immigrant Status of Vanessa Pham's M
November 18th, 2013 5:44 PM
On Friday, convicted murderer and illegal immigrant Julio Blanco Garcia was sentenced to 49 years' imprisonment for the June 2010 murder of northern Virginia resident Vanessa Pham. True to form, in covering the story, the Washington Post's Rachel Weiner and Justin Jouvenal completely omitted the fact that Blanco Garcia was an illegal immigrant.
But in addition to omitting Blanco Garcia's…

WashPost's Jouvenal Still Refusing to Note Convicted Murderer's Illega
August 23rd, 2013 11:57 AM
Yesterday evening a northern Virginia jury convicted Julio Blanco-Garcia, an illegal immigrant with a history of scrapes with law enforcement, of first-degree murder in the July 2010 stabbing death of Vanessa Pham. The 19-year-old victim was giving Blanco-Garcia a ride to a local hospital when he killed her in a fit of PCP-fueled paranoia.
The Washington Post's Justin Jouvenal has been…

WaPo Blogger Miffed That Michelle Malkin Dares to Point Out Accused Ki
August 22nd, 2013 9:48 AM
While covering the murder trial of Julio Miguel Blanco Garcia -- a day laborer who is charged in the brutal stabbing death of a 19-year-old woman -- Washington Post reporter Justin Jouvenal tweeted on Tuesday: “Vanessa Pham likely tried to fight off her killer, examiner says.”
Soon after, conservative syndicated columnist Michelle Malkin modified that message by adding two important words to…

WashPost Writer Writes Story About Brutal 2010 Murder, Omits Illegal A
August 11th, 2013 7:46 PM
The Washington Post’s August 9 front-page story about the brutal murder of Vanessa Pham is missing a critical detail. The young woman's alleged murderer is an illegal immigrant; a fact that is omitted entirely from Justin Jouvenal's story, even as Jouvenal mentioned Julio Miguel Blanco Garcia has a prior criminal record. It's not like Jouvenal was unaware of Garcia's being in the country…