John Phillips

THIS Is CNN: Guest Says GOP Are 'Slave Owners' 'In Bed' with Neo-Nazis
August 16th, 2017 2:19 PM
For anyone who thinks CNN is dedicated to bringing the American people together, you’re sadly mistaken. Case in point two examples from CNN International on early Tuesday and Wednesday mornings where guest Segun Oduolowu declared the GOP to be neo-Nazis while leaders like Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell are “old slave owners” who ignored lynchings.
DNC $1 Mil Fundraiser Held at Former ABC Reporter's Home
October 2nd, 2010 11:31 AM
The arrangement described here is so journalistically incestuous I was considering hanging an NC-17 (or worse) rating on this post. You see, the husband of a former longtime ABC reporter held a Democratic National Committee fundraiser at the couple's home Thursday night at which President Barack Obama appeared for 15 minutes. The reporter's husband was on the Obama campaign's national finance…