CNN Pushes Massachusetts 'Model' for Health Reform But Admits 'Rising

August 20th, 2009 2:27 PM
CNN went searching for an example of health care reform without a public option on Aug. 20. Correspondent Jim Acosta found such a “model” in Massachusetts, but downplayed the state program’s flaws. “What do you get when you take the public option out of health care reform? Well, according to some experts you get Romney Care,” Acosta said. “Three years after enacting its own version of…

CNN Again Omits Far Left Affiliation of 'Insurance Company Insider

August 12th, 2009 6:37 PM
CNN’s Elaine Quijano failed to mention the left-wing political affiliation of Wendell Potter, whom she touted to be a health care “insurance company insider” on Wednesday’s Situation Room. When her network featured a glowing segment on the former Cigna spokesman over a month earlier, her colleague Jim Acosta also omitted Potter’s work as a senior fellow for the liberal Center for Media and…

CNN's Jim Acosta Misrepresents Limbaugh's Swastika/ObamaCare Logo Comp

August 11th, 2009 12:44 PM
CNN’s Jim Acosta claimed that Rush Limbaugh’s website “compares the [ObamaCare] reform supporters to Nazis” during a report on Tuesday’s American Morning. The website actually draws a comparison between the DNC’s “Organizing for Health Care” logo and the Nazis’ Parteiadler (Party Eagle) symbol. Acosta also claimed that conservatives “falsely compared” ObamaCare to the Canadian health system.…

CNN's Jim Acosta Spotlights Criticism of ObamaCare - From the Left

July 30th, 2009 4:01 PM
Dr. David Scheiner doesn't think the president's health care plan will work, but not for the reasons you might think. CNN's Jim Acosta devoted a three-minute segment to the Scheiner's left-wing criticism of the president's health care plan, but excluded any other voices, even after the doctor took a shot at the insurance industry. "Chicago doctor David Scheiner has taken a hard look at Obama's…

CNN Bashes Conservative Ads With 'Industry Insider,' Omits His Far Lef

July 2nd, 2009 2:18 PM

CNN's Jim Acosta: Just Say Yes to Travel and Trade With Communist Cuba

May 7th, 2009 7:20 PM
Correspondent Jim Acosta, “carrying the CNN flag” on the island of Cuba, filed several reports for the American Morning program during the first week of May which slanted favorably towards an end to the trade embargo with the communist country. His May 1 report on the policy that allows Cuban-Americans to travel to their homeland featured no critics of the Castro regime, nor did it mention the…

CNN's Rick Sanchez Blames Fox News, 'Right-Wing Radio' For Cop Killing

April 8th, 2009 8:06 PM
[Update, 10:12 pm, EDT: Video of the last promo and the entire debate segment is now available on YouTube. Acosta’s report is available here.] CNN’s Rick Sanchez returned to blasting conservatives on Wednesday’s Newsroom program, blaming the recent murder of three Pittsburgh police officers on the Fox News Channel and other media on the right: “That weekend tragedy involves a man who allegedly…

CNN's 'Vast Grassroots Network' for Obama Not So Vast

March 23rd, 2009 2:15 PM
On today's American Morning, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta covered the weekend canvass sponsored by the Democratic Party's Organizing for America.  Volunteers collected signatures of support for Barack Obama and his agenda.  Acosta's voice over, interspersed with statements from others, began:Don't tell them the race is over. Once volunteers for the Obama campaign...a vast grassroots network of…

Former Congressman Calls for Investigation of CNBC's Jim Cramer

March 12th, 2009 4:23 PM
Jim Cramer just keeps paying the price for his heresy. Ever since his March 3 remarks calling Obama's policies "greatest wealth destruction I've seen by a president," the CNBC "Mad Money" host has been under attack. First it was the back-and-forth with the White House, then he was skewered by comedian Jon Stewart. Now CNN and a former high-ranking public official have targeted him. Cramer, who…

Nets Ignore Gaza University’s Hamas Links, CBS: Israel ‘Jeopardizi

February 1st, 2009 9:37 PM
Within the first few days of Israel’s campaign in Gaza, the Israeli military struck the Islamic University of Gaza, charging that the school served as a weapons research facility for Hamas. But while CNN, FNC and MSNBC all at some point reported on the school’s links to Hamas, CBS and NBC ignored the terrorist group’s connection in all its reports, while ABC vaguely noted that it was popular with…

CNN's Jim Acosta: Obama Inaugural Speech 'Could Be One For the Ages

January 13th, 2009 4:09 PM
CNN correspondent Jim Acosta hyped the forthcoming inaugural address of President-elect Barack Obama during a report on Tuesday’s American Morning: “...Barack Obama’s inaugural address may be more than the speech of his lifetime. Historians and speechwriters say it could be one for the ages, if he can rise to the occasion.” He reenforced this sentiment with clips from a former Clinton-Gore…

CNN Frets Over No 'Room at the Inn' at Blair House For the Obamas

January 8th, 2009 12:57 PM
On Thursday’s Newsroom program, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta indirectly compared the Obama family to the pregnant Virgin Mary and St. Joseph looking for a place to stay in Bethlehem during a report about the unavailability of the Blair House: “...[I]t’s still not clear why there wasn’t enough room at the inn for the Obamas. The 70,000 square foot complex is actually bigger than the White House.…

CNN Used Hannity to Highlight How Blagojevich Scandal is a 'Distractio

December 15th, 2008 1:27 PM
During a report on Monday morning’s Newsroom program, CNN correspondent Jim Acosta used a clip of Sean Hannity from Fox News Channel, along with clips from two of their resident Obama defenders, to outline how Blagojevich corruption scandal was a “distraction” for President-Elect Barack Obama. The graphic on-screen throughout the report even stated how the scandal was “Distracting Obama.”Acosta…

CNN Labels McCain’s Democratic One-Party Rule Line ‘Scare Tactics

October 30th, 2008 10:45 PM
CNN anchor Kiran Chetry referred to John McCain’s warning of Democratic Party rule in both the White House and the Congress if Barack Obama is elected president as "scare tactics" during a preview of a report on Thursday’s American Morning: "Five more days -- the scare tactics continue. Should you be afraid of one party rule?" A clip of McCain naming Obama, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, and…