Jess McIntosh

CNN Fears Democratic Primary Will Take Too Long, Hurt the Nominee
February 11th, 2020 10:49 PM
As the New Hampshire primary results were coming in Tuesday night, showing three candidates with double-digit support and two in the “top tier” barely holding on, CNN’s exclusively liberal panel had fears that the nomination processes would take too long and the candidates would damage each other too extensively.

CNN: Uninspiring Biden Brought 'Get Off My Lawn' Energy to Debate
February 8th, 2020 12:16 AM
Following the ABC Democratic debate in New Hampshire on Friday, CNN’s panel of liberal journalists and activists were mostly in agreement when panning the performance and campaign strategy of former Vice President Joe Biden. Between them, the panel painted an image of an “angry” old man shouting “get off my lawn” across the stage, while failing to “inspire” people to donate to his campaign.

CNN Panel Unfazed By Beto’s Promise to Forcefully Confiscate Your Guns
September 12th, 2019 11:55 PM
One of the biggest takeaways from Thursday’s Democratic presidential debate on ABC, was that the radical left wasn’t shy about telling the public what their plans for guns were. At one point, former Congressman Beto O’Rourke (TX) was raging and promised: “Hell, yes, we're going to take your AR-15, your AK-47.” It was a radical declaration that went under-discussed during CNN’s post-debate…

CNN Was Kind of Glad Democratic Candidates Didn’t Mention Trump Much
June 27th, 2019 1:34 AM
While MSNBC was raging about the 2020 Democratic candidates not bashing President Trump enough during Wednesday’s debate, the liberal panel on CNN seemed okay with it. “We saw a range of views on stage tonight in Miami at the Democratic debate, except on the subject of President Trump. On that, the candidates were of one voice and they didn't miss a chance to make to clear who their real opponent…

All-Female CNN Panel Defends, Praises AOC as ‘The Ideal Anti-Trump’
January 27th, 2019 4:21 PM
While all but ignoring the liberal media’s massive screw-up with the smearing of the Covington Kids, CNN media reporter and “Reliable Sources” host Brian Stelter took time out of the show to tout how Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez utilized social media to spread her falsehoods and socialist propaganda. And, of course, the all-female liberal panel was happy to oblige by singing…

MSNBC’s ‘All In’ Rewrites History of the Passing of ObamaCare
January 5th, 2017 1:02 AM
MSNBC’s Joy Reid apparently believes that the memory of the American public is so horrendous, that she actually attempted to rewrite the history of the passing of ObamaCare on Wednesday’s All In in an attempt to smear the GOP. “Republicans have been saying for SO LONG that they're going to repeal and replace, repeal and replace,” she exclaimed to Democratic strategist Jess McIntosh, “It's just…
MSNBC Panel Explodes after Wilson Argues Hillary’s Running on Gender
September 16th, 2015 2:36 AM
During the Tuesday edition of MSNBC’s All In, tempers erupted when Republican strategist Rick Wilson told fellow panelists Cornell Belcher and Jess McIntosh of EMILY’s List that Hillary Clinton is campaigning on her gender as a mother/grandmother and despite that, her poll “numbers are cratering” on honesty and trustworthiness.

Hayes Jabs Jeb for 'Anchor Babies' Remark: 'Babies' is 'Better' Term
August 20th, 2015 1:01 PM
Chris Hayes scolded Jeb Bush on the Wednesday edition of his MSNBC program for using the term "anchor babies." Hayes played a clip of Bush calling for "greater enforcement, so that you don't have these anchor babies, as they're described, coming into the country." He continued by pointing out that "Hillary Clinton responding with a Tweet: 'They're called babies' – which seems like a better term…

CNN's Costello: 'I Just Can't Believe We're Still Talking About Birth
January 24th, 2014 5:07 PM
Carol Costello predictably carried water for the cultural left on Friday's CNN Newsroom during a segment about the firestorm over former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee's "Uncle Sugar" attack on Democrats. Costello trumpeted how "Democrats are quite gleeful" over Huckabee's remarks, and bemoaned conservatives' opposition to ObamaCare's contraception mandate: "I just can't believe we're still…