Jeannine Hunter
WashPost, NPR Hype Liberal Episcopal Cathedral Dean Preaching Gun Cont
December 17th, 2012 5:25 PM
An old journalistic saw about what's newsworthy goes a little something like this: "When a dog bites man, that's not a new story. Now a man bites a dog, that's a story." The idea is simple: News is something that is unusual, out of the ordinary, has a twist that makes it unexpected and shocking.
There's nothing unexpected or shocking about a preacher in a mainline liberal Protestant church…
Media Hypes Scrap of Papyrus Claiming Jesus Had a Wife
September 20th, 2012 9:59 AM
Does one fragment of papyrus “about the size of a small cellphone” contradict centuries of Christian tradition that hold that Jesus was not married? The credulous news media seem to think so – they are publishing stories with titles: “The Gospel of Jesus’ Wife,’ “New Early Christian Text, Indicates Jesus May Have Been Married.”
The New York Times reported that a scrap of papyrus “smaller…