James Delingpole

NOAA Scientist Turns Climate Skeptic, Recounts Censorship
August 1st, 2019 5:14 PM
The “science is settled” liberal media don’t want people to know there are scientists, even award-winning ones, who dispute the idea of catastrophic global warming. Because outlets ignore and censor such scientists, curious individuals must turn to other sources such as English journalist James Delingpole’s columns or podcast, the Delingpod. On the July 25 podcast, he interviewed award-winning,…

Clash at Papal Summit Over Climate Change Shows Debate Turning 'Nasty'
April 28th, 2015 5:57 PM
During a press conference in Vatican City on Tuesday, people described as “papal heavies” interrupted “an awkward question” being asked by Marc Morano -- publisher of the skeptical Climate Depot website -- who wanted to know what Ban Ki-Moon, secretary-general of the United Nations, thinks about climate change deniers.
According to an article written by James Dellingpole for the Breitbart.com…

Richard Who? AP, NYT, Others Ignore MIT's Lindzen As He 'Pwns' Global
February 28th, 2012 11:19 PM
As is the case with so much that is being reported in other countries about how much of the rest of the world is walking itself back from the extreme statist agenda supposedly necessitated by "climate change," a presentation at the British House of Commons made by MIT Professor Richard Lindzen, whom James Delingpole at the UK Telegraph describes as "one of the world's greatest atmospheric…
U.K. Journalist and ClimateGate Vanguard: Global Warming Debate as 'Im
May 18th, 2010 10:24 AM
If you asked people what the two key events in the 20th century were, most would likely point to World Wars I and II because they transformed civilization. However, can something like the debate over climate change be as equally transformative? James Delingpole, author of "Welcome to Obamaland: I've Seen Your Future And It Doesn't Work," spoke at the Heartland Institute's International…