Pushes Obama Talking Points on Joe the Plumber's Taxes

October 16th, 2008 2:41 PM
"McCain Used Joe Wurzelbacher to Depict His Tax Plan; Ironically He Is in Line for Obama's Tax Plan," insists the subheader for an October 16 story by Imaeyen Ibanga. The reporter pushed the Obama campaign talking points that as it stands right now "Joe the Plumber" would be a beneficiary of Illinois senator's tax plans:Wurzelbacher has become the focal point of the presidential…

Morning Shows Drag Innocent Drug Maker into Deadly Incident

July 11th, 2008 6:50 PM
When a horrible tragedy happens, media reports try to find a place to point the finger. Although, this time a company name is being tacked on to something they had nothing to do with. Heparin is a generic drug made by many different companies that is used to thin blood. It has recently been involved in two accidents involving babies and media reports have unfairly connecting one company to…