Errol Louis

CNN Declares That Negative Campaigning Is Form of Voter Suppression
May 28th, 2019 7:07 PM
On Tuesday morning’s CNN Newsroom, host Jim Sciutto and CNN political commentator Errol Louis discussed a wacky theory regarding what constitutes voter suppression. Apparently, it’s just “muted negative campaigning.” Rather than dismiss this take, Sciutto loved it

Facts First? CNN Commentator Calls Migrant Caravan 'Imaginary'
October 30th, 2018 8:53 PM
Did you know the migrant caravan of thousands moving up from Central America through Mexico towards the American border doesn't exist? Well, if you believe the "facts first" CNN, that must be the case. You see, its political commentator Errol Louis declared on Tuesday morning's CNN Newsroom on Tuesday that the caravan was "imaginary."

CNN's Louis: Trump 'Blaming the Victim' by Recommending Armed Guards
October 28th, 2018 5:19 PM
Appearing as a guest on Sunday's New Day show, CNN political commentator and Spectrum News anchor Errol Louis claimed that President Donald Trump was "blaming the victim" by recommending armed guards at houses of worship in the aftermath of the synagogue attack in Pittsburgh. The liberal analyst also dismissed the idea of using more gun ownership to ward off such shootings as "trying to have a…

‘Happens All the Time’: ‘Reliable Sources’ Downplays Lanny Davis Snafu
September 2nd, 2018 6:35 PM
CNN’s already shaky credibility took a pretty big hit last week after Michael Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis came out and admitted he was the key source behind their erroneous reporting that suggested President Trump knew about the Trump Tower meeting in advance. Despite host Brian Stelter being on vacation, nothing was different during Sunday’s Reliable Sources with John Avlon at the helm, as he…

CNN, MSNBC Questionably Claim Overwhelming Support for Roe v. Wade
July 4th, 2018 3:18 PM
Over the past couple of days, CNN has repeatedly cited a Kaiser Family Foundation poll which claims that 67 percent of Americans support the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision which limits the government's ability to restrict abortion. But other polling casts serious doubt on whether most of the public actually supports the specifics of Roe, as the Barna Group last year found that almost 70…

EXPOSED: CNN’s Don Lemon Caught Palling Around With Avenatti
May 17th, 2018 5:38 PM
One of CNN’s most blatant hypocrisies is their double standard when it comes slamming Fox News hosts for their relationships with President Trump. This criticism could be valid if those same CNN employees didn’t spend their free time palling around with those out to carve out their pound of flesh. The latest example of this was exposed via a late night tweet from a former aide to New York…

CNN Eases Liberal Fears of Trump Lawsuits Ending After AG Resignation
May 8th, 2018 11:20 PM
Of course, following the resignation of New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman (D) for allegations of beating his various girlfriends over the years, a key concern for the liberal media has been ensuring his litany of litigation against President Trump would continue onward. It was a major point of discussion during CNN Newsroom Tuesday afternoon as host Brianna Keilar questioned CNN…

Tasteless CNN Debases Itself by Blasting Kelly for Emotional WH Speech
October 19th, 2017 4:46 PM
Just when you thought CNN couldn’t cheapen itself any further, it did, folks. On Thursday, CNN Newsroom reacted to a powerful White House statement Chief of Staff and Gen. John Kelly (Ret.) amidst the Gold Star families controversy by noting Kelly’s personal sacrifices before lambasting him for calling out a Democratic member of Congress and attacking the media.

CNN: Voter Fraud Allegations Are 'B.S'., GOP Trying to Suppress Vote
July 5th, 2017 4:29 PM
On CNN's New Day Wednesday morning, co-host Chris Cuomo claimed that serious allegations of voter fraud are "B.S.": "Is there a second line to this story in terms of what this commission is about other than the obvious, which is trying to put meat on the bones of a B.S. allegation."

CNN's Louis Frets 'Radical Action' of GOP Breaking Gorsuch Filibuster
April 3rd, 2017 9:47 PM
In multiple appearances on CNN on Monday, CNN political commentator and Spectrum News political anchor Errol Louis fretted over the Republican effort to bar the filibuster of Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch. Louis called such a move "radical action" as he appeared on CNN's New Day, and, appearing later on CNN Newsroom, he worried that such an action would begin a precedent that would result in…

CNN Panelists Peddle Accusations of Perjury, Treason at Sessions
March 2nd, 2017 10:24 PM
On CNN Thursday night, the proverbial moving of the goal posts regarding the Jeff Sessions situation was on full display, shifting from demanding recusal in Russian investigations to resignation and calls for charges of perjury and treason.

CNN Dismisses Dems Inciting at Trump Events as 'Conspiracy Theories'
March 2nd, 2017 1:15 PM
On Wednesday's Anderson Cooper 360 on CNN, during a discussion of President Donald Trump's response to the recent targeting of Jewish sites, liberal CNN commentators Kirsten Powers and Errol Louis -- as well as host Anderson Cooper -- all had a problem with Trump advisor Anthony Scaramucci recently reminding the media that no one knows whether the culprits are Democrats or Republicans. And…

CNN Slams Conway 'Lie,' Fails to Retract Muslim Ban Death Hoax
February 5th, 2017 10:18 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, on her final day doing the show, host Costello charged that Kellyanne Conway was telling a "lie" when the Donald Trump advisor initially mis-stated on the day before that a terrorist attack had occurred in Bowling Green, Kentucky, several years ago. But Costello's CNN show has so far not corrected CNN political commentator Errol Louis's debunked…

CNN's Louis Falls for Fake Story That a Mother Died from Muslim Ban
February 2nd, 2017 12:53 AM
On Wednesday's CNN Newsroom with Carol Costello, during a discussion of White House press secretary Sean Spicer complaining about the media calling President Donald Trump's restrictions on immigration a "Muslim ban," CNN political commentator Errol Louis repeated a story that has turned out to be a hoax that the Iraqi mother of an American citizen died in Iraq because she was barred from…