Donald Verrilli
Coulter Column: Turns Out Obama's an Even Worse Lawyer Than His Solici
April 5th, 2012 10:54 AM
The reason tea partiers carried signs saying "Read the Constitution!" was that we were hoping people would read the Constitution.
Alas, we still have Rick Santorum saying Obamacare is the same as what he calls "Romneycare"; the otherwise brilliant Mickey Kaus sniffing that if states can mandate insurance purchases, then we're "not talking about some basic individual liberty to not purchase…

Bozell Column: Hollywood's Snotty Day In Court
January 14th, 2012 7:56 AM
It was symbolically perfect that on the same day Hollywood went to the Supreme Court to make the case for broadcast profanity, Entertainment Weekly reported that the next showing of the ABC smutcom “Modern Family” would feature a two-year-old girl dropping the F-bomb. The episode’s title will be “Little Bo Bleep.”
Shameless. There’s no other way to describe the people running these networks.…