David Rutz

Free Beacon Exposes Liberal Media Using Sandy Hook PSA to Fear-Monger
September 20th, 2019 8:06 PM
With the liberal media's psuedo-religious devotion for gun control, it's no surprise that they greeted the PSA from the group Sandy Hook Promise with open arms. So on Friday, our friends Charles Fain Lehman and David Rutz at the Washington Free Beacon published a study that found he video aired nine times in two days on NBC News and cable partner MSNBC.

AOC Attacks Female WashPost Reporters, Defends Warren on Legal Career
May 24th, 2019 10:11 AM
During primaries like the one currently underway for the 2020 presidential campaign, Democrats are fond of claiming that, unlike “rich Republicans,” they “stand up for the little guy.” That concept became much more difficult to promote on Thursday after a report showed how lucrative of a legal career Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) has had, even though N.Y. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez quickly…

Press Still Shielding Dems From Their Crummy Tax-Cut Bonus Comments
January 28th, 2018 3:42 PM
On January 11, Nancy Pelosi slammed as "crumbs" the wage increases and bonuses well over 100 companies had announced at that point after the new tax law's passage in December. Thursday, she went to the same well more stridently. The establishment press, including the Associated Press, still won't report Pelosi's and others' similar comments, because they know how toxic they are.

Kaine Falsely Claims Clinton Foundation Now Not Accepting Foreign $$
September 6th, 2016 11:27 PM
Since most of the truth about the Clinton Foundation hurts the candidacy of Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton, her campaign appears to have adopted the strategy of having Tim Kaine, her hapless running mate, lie about its activities and decisions to local reporters, while hoping that nobody outside the local viewing area gets wise to the tactic. With New Media and partisan monitors…

David Rutz Named Winner of Annual Noel Sheppard Blogger Award
August 31st, 2016 2:41 PM
On Wednesday afternoon, Media Research Center president Brent Bozell and the staff of NewsBusters awarded Washington Free Beacon video editor David Rutz the second annual Noel Sheppard Media Blogger of the Year Award at MRC’s headquarters in Reston, Virginia.

Matthews Hints Non-Whites Are Handicapped, Tells Carson He’s ‘Cupid'
May 13th, 2016 3:20 PM
David Rutz of Washington Free Beacon came across the latest mind-baffling statement by MSNBC’s Chris Matthews early Friday afternoon when he remarked to Trump surrogate Dr. Ben Carson that non-white people are handicapped similar to how some develop or are born with “physical handicap or they’re born to poverty.”
Melissa Harris-Perry: ‘Hard Worker’ Is Offensive Term to Slaves, Women
October 26th, 2015 6:21 PM
On Saturday, MSNBC's Melissa Harris-Perry scolded guest Alfonso Aguilar for using the term “hard worker” because it’s demeaning to slaves and working women: "I want us to be super careful when we use the language 'hard worker,' because I actually keep an image of folks working in cotton fields on my office wall, because it is a reminder about what hard work looks like."

Washington Free Beacon Makes Montage of Ed Schultz's Absurd Poll Quest
May 8th, 2014 10:50 AM
Our friends at the Washington Free Beacon has made a little montage of MSNBC host Ed Schultz's bat-guano crazy viewer poll questions.
Although none of them asked if Republicans want to "make money off your dead corpse," they came close. To read David Rutz's witty, snark-laden post, click here. You can watch the video by clicking play on the embed that follows the page break. As a bonus we…