Damian Paletta

WSJ's Paletta Blames Tea Party for Broken Congress, Omits Reid's Unwil
October 1st, 2013 6:55 PM
Corrected from earlier | "After three years of last-minute deals, delayed decisions, and acrimonious finger pointing, the process for one of Congress's most basic functions—spending money—finally buckled and broke down Monday night," the Wall Street Journal's Damian Paletta sighed in the opening paragraph of his October 1 story, "Breakdown Is New Norm in Spending Fights."
"Since passage of…
Study in Bias: Two Takes on Financial Regs -- Journal vs. NY Times as
March 15th, 2010 7:13 PM
It's a topic that would probably make the average individual's eyes glaze over, but will have a profound impact on the economy - for better or worse. The topic - financial regulation reform. With Senate Banking Chairman Sen. Chris Dodd, D-Conn., setting his proposal out for the public, the take away on the reporting from two of the country's major newspapers - The New York Times and Wall…