Clinton Global Initiative
The Bitterness Tour
May 15th, 2018 9:54 PM
MELBOURNE, Australia -- When you hear "world tour" you usually think of superstars performing concerts in various cities for adoring fans. Not so with the presidentially deprived, entitlement-driven Hillary Clinton. Last week, Hillary Clinton came to Melbourne, Australia's second largest city, and to Sydney, its largest, with a huge chip on her shoulder. The chip has been there since the 2016…
Chelsea Clinton’s Cheerleading Cult
April 19th, 2017 6:31 PM
Thirstier than an ultra-marathoner lost in Death Valley in mid-July. Hyping the entertainment magazine's latest cover, Co-Editor-in-Chief Claudia Eller gushed this week, "How cool does Chelsea Clinton look on our Power of Women, NY, cover?" Welcome to the liberal media's manufacturing of "cool." Leather jacket? Check. Overzealous airbrushing? Check. Humanizing grin? Check. Democratic…

Silence From Networks as Clinton Global Initiative Shuts Down
January 17th, 2017 4:37 PM
The shuttering of the Clinton Global Initiative in the wake of Hillary Clinton’s brutal election loss hasn’t resulted in any interest from the three networks. ABC CBS and NBC have skipped the news that the division of the Clinton Foundation will lay off employees and close in April.

Clinton Global Initiative Shuts Down After Clinton Loss
January 17th, 2017 9:19 AM
Two months after Hillary Clinton lost the presidential election, the Clinton Global Initiative -- the “networking” arm of the Clinton Foundation -- is shutting down.
ABC, NBC Cover for Hillary on McCarthy; 'Unlikely Political Lifeline'
September 30th, 2015 9:49 PM
On Wednesday night, the CBS Evening News punted on the latest batch of Hillary Clinton’s State Department e-mails released hours earlier while their competitors at ABC and NBC did cover them, but only through the veil of defending Clinton against Speaker of the House candidate Kevin McCarthy’s comments on the Benghazi Committee that NBC’s Andrea Mitchell touted as “an unlikely political lifeline…

CNN: New Clinton E-Mails 'Dispute' GOP's Benghazi 'Narrative'
May 22nd, 2015 5:43 PM
Friday's New Day on CNN played up that the Hillary Clinton e-mails revealed by the New York Times "dispute the narrative that has been around for two years that she was trying to cover something up" about the 2012 terrorist attacks in Benghazi, as Alisyn Camerota put it. The CNN anchor also wondered, "Isn't this the opposite of what the GOP has been saying about her – that she...tried to keep it…

Clinton Political Director Gets Another Ingratiating Interview
May 15th, 2015 5:00 PM
Amanda Rentería, national political director of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, has received another cushy interview, this time at the hands of none other than Univision anchor Jorge Ramos.
Following on the heels of a puff piece on Telemundo, the six and a half minute interview with Rentería on Univision also failed to bring up the flurry of financial and ethical controversies swirling…

CNN's Costello: Hillary Clinton Should 'Take Tough Questions'
May 15th, 2015 3:02 PM
On Friday's CNN Newsroom, liberal anchor Carol Costello actually didn't buy the spin of a Hillary Clinton supporter on her skirting of questions from the press. When Democratic strategist Robert Zimmerman did his best to shield Mrs. Clinton, Costello interjected, "I want our political candidates to take tough questions." She later underlined that "she's not answering questions! About her…
Stephanopoulos Flashback: 'Hope' Is Donations Will 'Lead to Something'
May 15th, 2015 9:40 AM
Even as he apologized on Friday for donating $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation, George Stephanopoulos tried to spin the contributions as innocent, swearing, "I have made substantial donations to dozens of charities, including the Clinton Global Foundation... I made them strictly to support work done to stop the spread of AIDS, help children and protect the environment in poor countries."
George Stephanopoulos Apologizes On-Air: I Made a 'Mistake'
May 15th, 2015 8:06 AM
After coming under heavy criticism for donating $75,000 to the foundation of Bill and Hillary Clinton, George Stephanopoulos on Friday made an on-air apology. Addressing the revelation that he failed to inform viewers or his bosses at ABC, Stephanopoulos conceded on Good Morning America, "I should have made additional disclosures on air when we covered the foundation and I now believe directing…

CNN Touts Stephanopoulos as 'One of the Biggest Stars' on TV
May 14th, 2015 5:46 PM
On Thursday's CNN Newsroom, Brian Stelter asserted that George Stephanopoulos is "one of the biggest stars on all of television," as he reported on the ABC anchor's $75,000 in donations to the Clinton Foundation. Stelter later claimed that Stephanopoulos has "done a lot to earn people's respect and trust. He's one of the most well-respected anchors at ABC." During his report, the correspondent…
Stephanopoulos's Last Conflict of Interest? Dem Conference Calls
May 14th, 2015 4:05 PM
On Thursday it was revealed that former Democratic operative turned journalist George Stephanopoulos donated $75,000 to the foundation of Bill and Hillary Clinton. In a conflict of interest, the same Stephanopoulos grilled the author of a new book questioning the finances of the Clinton Foundation. (He also failed to report the donations to his bosses at ABC or his audience.)

UPDATE: Stephanopoulos Admits Donating $75K to Clinton Foundation
May 14th, 2015 2:53 PM
ABC's George Stephanopoulos acknowledged his tens of thousands of dollars of donations to the Clinton Foundation in a Thursday interview with Politico's Dylan Byers. Byers reported that "Stephanopoulos...said that, contrary to earlier reports, he has given a total of $75,000 to the Clinton Foundation." The Good Morning America anchor also announced that "he will not moderate the ABC News-…
Flashback: Clinton Donor George Stephanopoulos Praised Foundation
May 14th, 2015 11:56 AM
Showcasing an extreme conflict of interest, it was revealed on Thursday that George Stephanopoulos donated $50,000 to the Clinton Foundation and did not disclose the contribution to the public or his employer, ABC . A look back at past interviews shows a cozy Stephanopoulos fawning over the charity. On September 24, 2014, the Good Morning America host praised, "The annual Clinton Global…