Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini
ABC Omits Latest Rant from Iran’s Supreme Leader in Nuke Deal Coverage
September 9th, 2015 9:37 PM
On Wednesday night, ABC was the lone network to omit from their coverage of the Iran deal rally that Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei offered a new rant hours earlier in which he promised the country will not cooperate with the U.S. on any other issue beyond the deal in addition to predicting that Israel would not exist in 25 years.
CBS Pushes Inaccurate Liberal Spin GOP Letter Is ‘Unprecedented’ Move
March 12th, 2015 10:57 PM
The CBS Evening News continued advancing the inaccurate and liberal spin on Thursday that the letter signed by 47 Republican Senators and sent to Iran concerning the Obama administration’s nuclear talks is an “unprecedented” example of “direct interference with diplomatic negotiations.” Pelley ruled that “[t]his sort of direct interference with diplomatic negotiations may be unprecedented” and…

Jon Stewart Doesn’t Regret Inviting Fatwa-Endorsing Singer to Rally
November 2nd, 2010 11:35 AM
According to novelist Salman Rushdie, Comedy Central star Jon Stewart appears to be unapologetic for featuring Muslim extremist folk singer Cat Stevens (a.k.a. Yusuf Islam) at his Rally to Restore Sanity last Saturday. Stevens has previously supported a long-standing Islamic death sentence against Rushdie.
Standpoint magazine’s Nick Cohen spoke to Rushdie this morning, who told him that: “…