Two of Three Evening Newscasts Downplay Obama’s Global Warming Speec

June 26th, 2013 5:34 PM
On a big day for news, two of the three major networks downplayed President Obama’s global warming speech on yesterday’s evening newscasts. ABC and CBS reduced the story to a brief anchor-read blurb, while NBC included a sound bite and a full in-studio report from a correspondent. The speech, delivered at Georgetown University, was notable for Obama’s threat to bypass Congress by directing…

MSNBC or MSDNC? Network Taps DNC Video Director to Produce New Show

April 10th, 2013 5:11 PM
Is it MSNBC or MSDNC?  Andrew Kirell of Mediaite reported today that the left-wing commentary network has hired the Democratic National Committee’s director of video production, Anne Thompson, to produce the network’s newest weekend show Up with Steve Kornacki.  Yet, this is just another episode in the annals of MSNBC’s revolving door of hiring Obamaites.  MSNBC has already hired David Axelrod…

Bozell Column: Losing Patience With the Pope

March 19th, 2013 10:21 PM
Many millions of Catholics around the world were joyous with the naming of a new pope – a holy man from the Third World, no less. Even in choosing his name, Pope Francis is emphasizing a devotion to the poor, and a humility in his clothing and manners. The liberal media should be lapping this up. There was an accurate recounting of the global rejoicing, especially in Argentina. There were…

ABC Warns of 'Conservative' Pope Who Has Been Called 'Medieval' on Soc

March 19th, 2013 12:31 PM
The media backlash against Pope Francis may be beginning. After relatively positive coverage last week, ABC and NBC on Monday both highlighted the Argentinean President denouncing his "medieval" views on social issues. World News's Ron Claiborne offered no ideological label for the country's left-wing leader, praising, "Cristina Kirchner stands for a new view of a changing world-- embracing gay…

NBC: 'Knives Came Out' When Pope Announced Abdication, Church in 'Holy

February 27th, 2013 5:40 PM
Keeping up NBC's barrage of attacks against the Catholic Church in the days leading up to Pope Benedict XVI's abdication, on Wednesday's Today, correspondent Anne Thompson made this nasty declaration: " one observer said, the stiletto knives came out as the battle for control of this institution begins, that some say is a holy mess....reports of infighting, back stabbing, and political…

NBC Proclaims: 'A Moment of Crisis for the Catholic Church Hit By A Wa

February 26th, 2013 2:56 PM
At the top of Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams made this hyperbolic declaration: "A moment of crisis for the Catholic Church hit by a wave of scandals, just as the leaders must gather to select a new pope." Introducing the lead story moments later, Williams further hyped: "The problem for the Catholic Church is the drumbeat of scandal is now growing so loud and so vast, it's…

NBC Bids Pope Farewell: 'Scandal Continues to Dog Benedict's Papacy an

February 25th, 2013 4:25 PM
In an effort to hype controversy days before Pope Benedict XVI steps down as the leader of the Catholic Church, on Monday's NBC Today, correspondent Anne Thompson proclaimed: "Even in his final days as pope, scandal continues to dog Benedict's papacy and the Church." The chyron on screen throughout the segment declared: "Vatican Intrigue." [Listen to the audio or watch the video after the jump…

NBC: House GOP 'Ignored' Sandy Suffering; 'Another Body Blow' to Storm

January 3rd, 2013 5:31 PM
In a pair of back-to-back stories leading off Wednesday's NBC Nightly News, House Republicans were painted as villains for briefly delaying a vote on Hurricane Sandy relief. First, Capitol Hill correspondent Kelly O'Donnell declared: "Stunned Democrats and Republicans could not believe that their hometown suffering could be ignored." In the next report, correspondent Anne Thompson decried…

NBC Scare Tactics: Climate Change May Put Statue of Liberty Underwater

November 27th, 2012 2:42 PM
In yet another example of climate change fearmongering following Hurricane Sandy, on Monday's NBC Nightly News, anchor Brian Williams hyped a fantasy illustration from the New York Times: " artist's depiction of the Statue of Liberty submerged in New York Harbor, a kind of what-if warning about climate change and our new coastlines up and down the east coast." [Listen to the audio or watch…

NBC Works on 'Connecting the Dots' Between Sandy and Global Warming

November 13th, 2012 11:29 AM
In a report for Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Anne Thompson seized on Hurricane Sandy to continue pushing the argument for man-made global warming: "Now some politicians are connecting the dots, blaming the gases that come from burning coal, oil and gas for changing the climate." A clip followed of New York's Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo declaring: "Climate change, extreme…

Networks Jump at Opportunity to Offend Christians with ‘Da-Vinci Cod

September 19th, 2012 5:20 PM
While the Innocence of Muslims is still being blamed for the riots and murders in the Middle East, the national news media has no problem running a speculative story that disrespects the teachings of the Christian faith. New "evidence" now suggests that Jesus was married to Mary Magdalene after all, but the artifact in question dates back to the 4th century A.D.  This all began when Harvard…

Networks Hype Global Warming Report, Urge 'Limiting Man-Made Greenhous

July 11th, 2012 1:19 PM
On Tuesday night, all three network evening newscasts ran with stories on a newly released government report blaming man-made climate change for recent extreme weather. ABC's World News led the charge, as anchor Diane Sawyer sounded the alarm: "Hot planet. The world is heating up. And for the first time, a U.S. Government-backed report ties that searing heat, those epic storms, to man-made…

NBC Cites ‘Global Warming’ As Possible Cause of Colorado Wildfires

July 6th, 2012 4:06 PM
Now that Colorado is enduring one of the worst wildfires in its history, liberals are pointing to man-made global warming as the culprit. On Thursday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Anne Thompson hyped the "dire" and lasting impact of the fires on the environment and pointed toward man-made global warming as the probable cause. The "increasingly bigger" fires, Thompson said, are "Leading…

NBC Seizes On JPMorgan Losses to Promote Dem Calls For Regulation

May 15th, 2012 4:10 PM
Dutifully doing its part to find any excuse to expand government regulation, NBC News on Monday and Tuesday immediately touted Democratic efforts to exploit a $2 billion loss of private money for banker JPMorgan Chase to push for more government intervention in the banking industry. On Monday's NBC Nightly News, correspondent Anne Thompson used the news to pump up struggling Democratic…