EXCLUSIVE: CNN Sought WH Pre-Approval for Biden Gas Stove Ban Story

July 23rd, 2024 12:23 PM

In a gross violation of journalistic ethics, a CNN journalist gave the Biden administration a sneak peek of her article looking for the government stamp of approval before publishing.

NewsBusters Exclusive: Journalism’s Self-Destruction

May 28th, 2024 5:04 PM

Exclusive to NewsBusters, by Cal Thomas. The Washington Post, the dominant but least credible newspaper in Washington, D.C., lost $77 million in 2023. No other business operates like the journalistic establishment. TV ratings are down. Newspaper losses are up. Public trust in the media is at an all-time low as reflected in Gallup and other polls. As Pete Seeger sang in a totally different…


FLASHBACK: When ABC News Buried Top Anchor’s Ethical Scandal

May 12th, 2024 10:10 AM

Nine years ago this week, ABC News was roiled by a journalistic scandal: Their top political anchor had refused to disclose his big dollar contributions to the Clinton Foundation at the same time he used ABC’s airwaves in an attempt to discredit an anti-Clinton author, an obvious favor to the just-launched Hillary Clinton 2016 presidential campaign.


NY Post’s Nelson Draws Angry KJP Over Report of WH Sexual Harassment

April 4th, 2024 7:12 PM

Near the end of a tense White House press briefing Thursday dominated by questions about Israel, the New York Post’s Steven Nelson drew terse replies from Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre over his recent reporting on powerful White House aide Anthony Bernal being accused of “bull[ying] and verbally sexually harass[ing] colleagues over more than a decade.”


Nets Yawn at Federal Court’s INSANE Move to Hold Herridge in Contempt

March 1st, 2024 9:36 AM

Late Thursday afternoon, a Washington D.C.-based federal district court judge moved to hold former Fox News and CBS News journalist Catherine Herridge in contempt of court for refusing to burn her sources from a 2017 story while at Fox News about a federal probe into a Chinese-American scientist who was never charged. The news came just over two weeks after Herridge was suddenly fired from CBS…

A Warning to Not Hype Layoffs in News and a Call to Back Local Press

March 1st, 2024 8:21 AM

Bad news for the media often feels like good news for conservatives. So word that Vice and BuzzFeed are laying off hundreds of journalists, weeks after the complete collapse of The Messenger, won’t elicit much sympathy from the right. Then again, it’s not just conservatives who disapprove of the news business today: Gallup last year found a paltry 32% of Americans say they have “a great deal”…

Incredible: CBS Boss Who Axed Herridge to Receive Free Speech Award

February 28th, 2024 10:32 AM

Once again continuing to report out the sudden firing of the well-respected Catherine Herridge from CBS News, the New York Post’s Alexandra Steigrad reported late Tuesday afternoon that Ingrid Ciprian-Matthews, the new and extremely woke CBS News president, was selected as one of “13 honorees at the 33rd annual First Amendment Awards” set for March 9 in D.C. by the Radio Television…

CBS FINALLY Returns Seized Files to Herridge, Ducking Legal Threats

February 27th, 2024 12:03 PM

On Monday afternoon, the New York Post dropped an exclusive that, after a few days of public wrangling and possible legal action, CBS News returned to Catherine Herridge her confidential files — including sensitive material, potentially containing sourcing — after having been seized when she was unceremoniously fired as part of layoffs by parent company Paramount Global.

Bozell SLAMS CBS Seizing Herridge’s Files as It Seems Set to Cry Uncle

February 23rd, 2024 11:11 AM

On Friday, Media Research Center Founder and President Brent Bozell sent a letter to CBS and CBS News lambasting the Tiffany Network for their troubling and unprecedented decision to seize the files of correspondent Catherine Herridge – including notes and files that contain sensitive information and government sources – upon her sudden firing as part of layoffs from parent company Paramount…

Turley: CBS Seized Herridge’s Files After Being Booted in Layoffs

February 22nd, 2024 12:08 PM

Writing Thursday morning for The Hill, Fox News contributor and George Washington University Law School professor Jonathan Turley dropped a bombshell about this month’s layoffs at CBS News that the network seized the files of Catherine Herridge, who was sadly one of the correspondents let go and one of the only actual reporters in network news.

Climate-Obsessed Associated Press Reveals Wacky Eco-Extremist Donor

January 3rd, 2024 3:37 PM

How The Associated Press could admit to being financed by eco-extremist donors and yet still claim to be neutral when it comes to its climate change reporting defies common sense.

EXCLUSIVE: Economist Rips Media Claim US Has Reached Econ ‘Nirvana’

December 13th, 2023 9:00 PM

There seems to be no end in sight for the media gaslighting on President Joe Biden’s abysmal economy. One economist has had it.


5 Reasons Congress Shouldn’t Fund Leftist Web Traffic Cop NewsGuard

November 21st, 2023 4:49 PM

Leftist internet traffic cop NewsGuard is the farthest thing from being the unbiased media referee it purports to be. It is a government-funded operation designed to attack right-leaning media by going after their advertiser funding.

New Survey Exposes TikTok’s Disturbing Influence on Gen Z Women

September 29th, 2023 5:40 PM

A new survey revealed that TikTok’s influence over Americans is only growing, thus increasing the Chinese Communist Party’s surveillance of citizens.