Trudie Styler

Bozell Column: Liberalism Lite with Ann Curry
June 14th, 2011 10:30 PM
When the folks at CBS shooed Katie Couric out the door, one could almost hear the harrumph with which Scott Pelley was reinstalling the Old Regime of Ed Murrow. Unlike Couric, Pelley wasn’t debuting with celebrity interviews and updates on Tom Cruise’s baby. CBS is going back to biased Dan Rather basics, treating Couric’s tenure as little more than a palate cleanser.
With Couric off the news…
Sting Calls Earth Day Climate Rally 'Green Tea Party', Wants 'Big Gove
April 26th, 2010 11:11 AM
America's media might hate the Tea Party movement, but Sting appears to love it."This is like a 'Green Tea Party' out there," Sting told CNN's Don Lemon Sunday about the Earth Day climate rally taking place in the nation's capital."People who care. People who care about clean water and fresh air for their children to breathe. Food that doesn't kill you. A better planet. A safer planet. And it is…