Robert F. Kennedy

Morning Joe On Anniversary of RFK Assassination Never Mentions Sirhan
Morning Joe's segment on the anniversary of the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy never mentions his assassin, the Palestinian Sirhan B. Sirhan, or that Sirhan's motive was RFK's support for Israel, or that Sirhan was an ardent supporter of Communism.

Joe Scarborough Slams 'Bizarre' Release of Sirhan Sirhan and Hinckley
On Tuesday's Morning Joe, Scarborough reacted vehemently to the news that a federal judge has ordered the unconditional release of John Hinckley Jr., the attempted assassin of President Reagan. Scarborough was similarly outraged at the recommendation of a California parole board earlier this year to grant parole to Sirhan B. Sirhan, the Palestinian who assassinated Robert F. Kennedy…

‘Caring, Fact-Based’ NBC News Anchor Getting Cronkite Journalism Award

Matthews Gets Upset Over Trump Kids in the UK, Omits Love for Kennedys

CNN Perpetuates Myth of Kennedy Heroism in Cuban Missile Crisis

60 Minutes Actually Reports That Robert Kennedy Approved MLK Wiretap

'Hardball' Attacks Ivanka in WH as ‘Un-American,’ Demands PP Support
During the same show that MSNBC’s Chris Matthews and David Corn denounced the Susan Rice controversy as racist and sexist, Tuesday’s Hardball featured Matthews and MSNBC Live host Stephanie Ruhle imploring Ivanka Trump to defend Planned Parenthood while smearing her White House job as “un-American” and the Trump family as modern-day Romanovs.

Chris Matthews Writing Another Kennedy Book
Ann Coulter Column: Bill O'Reilly Is Killing History with Factually Ch

Parallels Between Liz Cheney, RFK Glossed Over by Dem Strategist

Was Martin Luther King Wiretapped ‘Because He Was Campaigning for Ci
Harvard Law Prof Charles Ogletree Gushes Over 'Generosity' of Hugo Cha

ABC Marks End of Kennedys Holding Elected Office in Washington