Richard Holbrooke

Richard Holbrooke's Dying Words Taken Out of Context, Politicized by L
December 15th, 2010 1:07 PM
Tuesday's Washington Post print edition ran a front-page obituary for Richard Holbrooke which closed by noting that the veteran diplomat told his surgeon "You've got to stop this war in Afghanistan."
Of course numerous news outlets latched onto that quote. Leftist magazine Mother Jones even made the line their quote of the day late Monday evening as blogger Kevin Drum approvingly added in a…
Obama 'Shifting Power From Traditional Cabinet Posts'; Will Media Comp
January 25th, 2009 1:19 PM
I guess President Josiah Bartlet, the mythical president in The West Wing television series, would have been pleased. Jonathan Martin at reports that the Obama Administration is concentrating lots of power at the top (bolds are mine):West Wing on steroids in Obama W.H. President Barack Obama is taking far-reaching steps to centralize decision-making inside the White House,…
Scarborough-Holbrooke Tension Convention
October 23rd, 2008 9:32 AM
Let's take a break from the tedious MSM spin on the latest polls, and settle back and enjoy the televised spectacle of two people who patently dislike each other going at it on live national TV.Former UN Ambassador/current Obama backer Richard Holbrooke was a guest on today's Morning Joe. Observing Holbrooke over the years, he's struck me as someone with, shall we say, a deep and abiding…