Rebecca Kleefisch

Apparently Only Conservatives Should Refrain from Sexist Insults
April 3rd, 2012 10:27 AM
Of late, the liberal media has been extremely interested in letting people know that Rush Limbaugh shouldn't have called abortion activist Sandra Fluke a slut since such language is inappropriate. That's a decidedly different attitude from how the media have regarded vulgar and sexist attacks on Wisconsin Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch—and her children.
Kleefisch is a wife, mother and cancer…
Liberal Radio Host Glad Breitbart's Dead, Would Pour Weed Killer on Hi
March 6th, 2012 4:26 PM
A few days ago, conservative author Ann Coulter summed up the left's reaction to the death of Andrew Breitbart with this statement: "Even in death he shows liberals in their true colors". With that, those true colors, the same rage and venom being spewed in Breitbart's direction, continues.
Last week, we saw Rolling Stone publish a piece in which author Matt Taibbi lamented how happy he was…
The Vulgar Rage of the Left
February 28th, 2011 1:09 PM
Barack Obama's new era of civility was over before it began. You wouldn't know it from reading The New York Times, watching Katie Couric or listening to the Democratic manners police. But America has been overrun by foul-mouthed, fist-clenching wildebeests.
Yes, the tea party movement is responsible — for sending these liberal goons into an insane rage, that is. After enduring two years of…

Liberal Wisconsin Radio Host Mocks Female GOP Lt. Governor Who Survive
January 20th, 2011 6:13 PM
A liberal radio host who in 2004 referred to Condoleezza Rice as an "Aunt Jemima," is at it again with hateful rhetoric against a female Republican politician. [h/t e-mail tipster Gerald Harrison]
Just don't hold your breath for the guardians of civility in politics at MSNBC to make a federal case of it.
On Monday, WTDY radio host John "Sly" Sylvester mocked Wisconsin's new Lieutenant…