Randy Newman

Singer Randy Newman: Anti-Obama Voters Find it 'Jarring to Have a Blac
September 18th, 2012 4:40 PM
Singer Randy Newman, probably best known for scoring soundtracks to movies like Toy Story, has penned a new song in which he plays the role of a character wishing for “a white president.” It’s Newman’s way of mocking anti-Barack Obama voters, who he seems to think are just opposed to him because they find it “jarring to have a black man in the White House and they want him out.”
In Newman’s…
Singer Randy Newman on McCain's Music List: 'Then Again, Hitler Liked
August 13th, 2008 7:44 AM
Blender Magazine, self billed as "the ultimate guide to music and more," is famous for compiling "lists" of music for one thing or another. This month they've gone politics with the candidate's top ten favorite songs as reported by the campaign offices of John McCain and Barack Obama. To make a mountain out of this mole hill, they also invited as commentators on these lists aging funnyman Randy…