Neville Chamberlain

Sciutto: Ignoring Trump Moves on Ukraine Could Lead To Another 9/11
On CNN This Morning, substitute host Jim Sciutto suggested that if Americans don't pay attention to Trump's handling of Ukraine, it could lead to another 9/11. For the second time during his current run as a fill-in host on the show, Sciutto chose Joe Walsh as his "Republican" on the panel, a rabid Trump antagonist who, while attending the 2024 DNC to show his total support for Kamala Harris,…

CNN's Avlon: GOP Failure To Get Votes 'A Neville Chamberlain Moment'
There were still more than 10 months to go, but John Avlon had the early lead in the race for The Year's Most Inapt Analogy. Predictably, on Wednesday, CNN This Morning raked the House Republicans over the coals for their failure to get the necessary votes to impeach Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, or pass a stand-alone Israel aid bill

Scarborough On Ukraine: Not Saying Biden Is Chamberlain, But...
While claiming that he wasn't comparing Joe Biden to Neville Chamberlain, Joe Scarborough says that Chamberlain was so "desperate for peace" that he appeased Hitler, leading to WWII. Scarborough suggested that Biden might also be "desperate for peace" in suggesting at his press conference that Putin ordering a "minor incursion" of Ukraine wouldn't merit a full-blown US response.

MSNBC Decries Republicans as 'Killers' and Fascists
Friday's edition of The 11th Hour on MSNBC devolved into hyperbolic name-calling when host Brian Williams compared Republicans to "killers" and the Lincoln Project's Steve Schmidt comparing them to fascists all while Democrats do nothing to stop them.
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The Coarsening of Political Language