Jon Huntsman

Mika: I Don't 'Get' Why Republicans Don't Dig Huntsman
November 7th, 2011 8:10 AM
If the liberal media were allowed to select the Republican presidential nominee, there's little doubt who he'd be: come on up, Jon Huntsman!
On today's Morning Joe, Mark Halperin claimed Huntsman "has as good a chance as any of the other candidates to test Mitt Romney" in New Hampshire. Mika Brzezinski took the Huntsman-love a large step farther, flatly proclaiming that Huntsman "has all…

David Gregory Asks Hillary Clinton: Will Foreign Policy 'Be a Disadvan
October 23rd, 2011 10:08 PM
There are softballs and then there are softballs.
On Sunday's Meet the Press, host David Gregory teed one up for Secretary of State Hillary Clinton that was specifically designed to mock the Republican presidential candidates while allowing her to brag uninterrupted about the foreign policy successes of Barack Obama (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Matthews Smears All Other GOPers in the Race as 'Crazy,' Huntsman Repl
October 21st, 2011 6:31 PM
MSNBC's Chris Matthews on Friday interviewed 2012 presidential candidate Jon Huntsman and smeared the rest of the Republican field as "crazy," asserting that the Utah Governor is the only "sane" choice. This prompted Huntsman to reply, simply, "Thank you."
The Hardball anchor knocked Michele Bachmann as "looney tunes" and wondered how Huntsman could "sit next to a person who says there…

Piers Morgan Tells Huntsman 'I've Never Seen Any Candidate Who Has Got
October 18th, 2011 11:32 AM
Piers Morgan, likely without knowing it, made quite a statement about America's news media Monday.
In an interview with Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman on the CNN program bearing his name, the host said, "I've never seen any candidate who has got better press or had more people say he's a great guy, he'd be perfect, who was polling so low" (video follows with transcript and…

Jon Huntsman Predicts 'We're Going to Win New Hampshire
October 6th, 2011 8:20 AM
Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman made a bold prediction on CNN's Erin Burnett Outfront Wednesday.
"We've seen in elections past, how one does in New Hampshire, and we're going to win New Hampshire, that always then predicts the future outcome of the race" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

No Obama Softballs: MRC Study Finds Morning TV Hits GOP Candidates Wit
September 22nd, 2011 9:43 AM
For most Americans, the 2012 presidential campaign will be experienced on television, and voters will evaluate the candidates based on their performances at televised debates, daily news coverage, and in long-form interviews. Even with all of the changes in the media landscape over past several years, the most-watched regular forums for candidate interviews are the broadcast network morning…

Time Taps Patti Davis to Insist Reagan Debate Shows Candidates, Except
September 8th, 2011 3:23 PM
If Time magazine were really interested in what a conservative Reagan family member thinks of the GOP 2012 presidential field as it stands now in terms of living up to his father's political legacy, it could have easily asked conservative commentator Michael Reagan for his thoughts on last night's primary debate at the Reagan Presidential Library.
Instead, the magazine tapped liberal Reagan…

MSNBC's Wolffe: Jimmy Carter Created More Jobs Than George W. Bush
September 3rd, 2011 4:13 PM
Appearing as a guest on Friday's Last Word to discuss Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman's plan to simplify the income tax code, MSNBC political analyst Richard Wolffe saw extremism in the Tea Party movement as he asserted that Huntsman's plan was "moderate when you compare it to where the Tea Party extremists want to take this."
As the discussion turned to the current anemic job…

NBC Reporter to Huntsman: Are Perry and Bachmann 'Too Far Right to Win
September 1st, 2011 1:26 PM
On Thursday's Today show NBC's Savannah Guthrie prodded Jon Huntsman to slam his fellow GOP presidential candidates Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann as too conservative, as she pressed the former Governor of Utah: "Are they too far right to win and beat President Obama?"
For his part, Huntsman played into Guthrie's portrayal of his competitors by responding that the American people "don't want…

MSNBC Touts 'Anti-Republican' Jon Huntsman vs Tea Party 'Patriotic Ana
August 26th, 2011 11:06 AM
During Thursday's 12 p.m. ET hour on MSNBC, host Contessa Brewer, who is soon to be leaving the anchor chair, declared that moderate Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman was "trying to turn things around with a new take-no-prisoners strategy, calling out his conservative competitors for their far-right views."
Brewer talked to Jacob Weisberg, editor-in-chief of the liberal Slate…

Piers Morgan Butters Up Moderate Republican Jon Huntsman
August 24th, 2011 5:33 PM
Jon Huntsman may be the liberal media's favorite Republican candidate, and CNN's Piers Morgan did nothing to dispel that notion in a two-part puff-piece interview Monday and Tuesday. The CNN host provided plenty of softball questions and positive commentary in what seemed at times to be a campaign promotion.
Morgan described the moderate candidate as "pragmatic" and "sensible," took pleasure…

Piers Morgan: Huntsman Saying 'I'm Going to be President' in Chinese
August 23rd, 2011 5:36 PM
As NewsBusters has been reporting for weeks, America's Obama-loving media are pushing for Utah's perilously moderate former governor Jon Huntsman to be the Republican presidential nominee.
On CNN's "Piers Morgan Tonight" Monday, the host was floored by Huntsman's claim in Chinese “I’m going to become the next President of the United States” telling his guest, "This clip could become viral. We…

CBS Poses Specter of 'Elitist' Romney as Obama Makes Posh Retreat
August 23rd, 2011 3:03 PM
CBS's Jan Crawford highlighted Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney 's fortune on Tuesday's Early Show and how "wealthier candidates, like Romney, John Kerry, and Jon Huntsman, are...hit with that nasty insult they're an elitist." Crawford did mention how that label has also been leveled at President Obama on more than one occasion, but also forwarded a myth about former President…

A Tale of Two Interviews: CNN's Morgan Shows Contempt for Tea Party
August 23rd, 2011 1:35 PM
In two separate interviews of Republican presidential candidates, CNN's Piers Morgan exhibited an obvious contempt of Tea Party politics as well as a double standard toward moderate and conservative presidential candidates.
In Monday's interview with Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, CNN's Piers Morgan baited the moderate candidate to criticize the Tea Party for its unwavering…