John Zogby

Zogby: Biden Was 'Belittling and At Times Disrespectful
October 12th, 2012 2:09 AM
Media member after media member are coming down on Joe Biden's abysmal behavior at Thursday's vice presidential debate.
Liberal pollster John Zogby has joined the parade saying, "Biden was supercilious, gratuitously belittling, and at times disrespectful."
Zogby to Bloggers: "Calm It Down .... Look at Your Baseball Cards
November 2nd, 2008 9:08 AM
It's hard to tell whether this is a reaction to "It's about time!" complaints that would tend to come from the center-right, or to "How dare you!" protests from the left (my money is on the latter), but pollster John Zogby took an unprofessional turn in his Saturday report (to be replaced in 24-48 hours) that was released in the wee hours this morning.The substantive news is that Barack Obama is…
Clinton Campaign: Kindergarten Crack Just a 'Joke
December 4th, 2007 8:13 AM
That Hillary Clinton -- such a prankster! Yes, if there's one thing Hillary is known for, it's her great sense of humor and light touch. So when she included Barack Obama's statements as a third-grader and kindergartner in her press release for purposes of demonstrating he was lying when he said he hadn't long harbored presidential ambitions, we should have all realized it was just one more of…
Zogby Zinger: Hillary Aide Should Temper Criticism 'With a Little Bit
November 28th, 2007 8:45 AM
"You sort of have to be a little careful. There's a whole campaign handbook of things that you say to dismiss polls. But you should mire them in a little bit of truth." -- John Zogby, responding to criticism by Mark Penn, chief Hillary Clinton strategist, of Zogby's online polling.Mark Twain, famously warning against getting into a spat with newspapers, said "never pick a fight with someone who…
The Media, Their Polls and the False News They Produce
November 27th, 2007 10:33 AM
First published in Human Events on November 27th, 2007.Wash, spin, rinse, spin. Phone, spin, report, spin, poll, spin. The similarities between the work of the mainstream media and a laundry machine are striking. Yet there is nothing about the cycle -- the spin-report-poll-spin cycle -- that does for political events what detergent does for your boxers or briefs. The media, as One, spend days…