John Waters

Filmmaker John Waters: All You Can Eat Restaurants Should be Illegal
June 9th, 2012 11:34 AM
If you’re afraid of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s call for limiting the size of soft drinks, you’re going to quake in your boots when you hear what filmmaker John Waters said Friday.
Appearing on HBO’s Real Time, Waters told host Bill Maher that he didn’t understand how all you can eat restaurants are legal (video follows with transcribed highlights and commentary):
Rachel Maddow Shows Video of Man Being Teabagged in Gay Bar
December 5th, 2009 11:19 AM
Rachel Maddow on Friday played a video of a man in underwear banging his genitals against another man's forehead in a gay bar. This was done to explain to her MSNBC audience the derivation of the term "teabagger," the sexually-charged double entendre that sadly became popular this spring and summer as Tea Parties swept the nation. According to Maddow, "This is where "teabag" comes from. This is a…