Letterman: Washington Rolls Over in Grave if Palin Elected President

February 16th, 2010 1:18 PM
UPDATE AT END OF POST: Letterman also took a swipe at Palin during his opening monologue.David Letterman just can't keep his mind off Sarah Palin.On Monday, the "Late Show" host used his Top Ten list to disparage the former governor of Alaska claiming that George Washington would roll over in his grave if Palin were elected president.Never mind that she hasn't announced her candidacy or that the…

Parroting MoveOn, Matthews Accuses Bush of 'Betrayal

September 11th, 2007 5:51 PM
See UPDATE at foot: Gen. Petraeus subsequently testified to the importance of Iraq to national security.In the wake of the odious MoveOn.org ad calling our commander in Iraq "General Betray Us," [read Dean Barnett's excellent take here] you might have thought the last thing a responsible member of the media would do would be to accuse other senior officials of "betrayal."I did say "responsible…