Ed Rendell

Andrea Mitchell: Hillary Has Done 'Such a Job by Everyone’s Account
January 30th, 2013 10:18 AM
The liberal media's lovefest for Hillary Clinton continues apace. Andrea Mitchell’s interview with the outgoing secretary of state will air today, but don’t expect to see many tough questions. We already know what Mitchell thinks about Clinton, based on a comment she made on Tuesday’s Andrea Mitchell Reports. Talking with MSNBC political analyst Ed Rendell, Mitchell declared of Clinton, “She…

Ed Rendell on MSNBC: Boosting Gun Control is the 'Good Thing' About Sa
January 11th, 2013 1:13 PM
Former Democratic Governor Ed Rendell channeled Piers Morgan on Friday's Now with Alex Wagner program on MSNBC. Rendell even upped the ante, claiming that there was a positive side to the Newtown, Connecticut massacre – that it boosts liberal efforts for stricter gun control [audio available here; video below the jump]:

Bozell Column: NBC and MSNBC, Networks of Wusses
September 18th, 2012 10:58 PM
On September 14 at Andrews Air Force Base just outside the Washington Beltway, President Obama and Secretary of State Clinton welcomed home the remains of four Americans killed at our consulate in Benghazi, Libya. It was a moment of national mourning. The president was presidential; Mrs. Clinton dignified. But for some journalists, it was, quite strangely and inappropriately, something to view…

MSNBC Contributor Ed Rendell: 'Even People Who Lost Their Jobs Are Bet
September 11th, 2012 6:02 PM
Former Democratic governor of Pennsylvania turned MSNBC contributor Ed Rendell said something on Tuesday's Hardball that is going to make a lot of jaws drop.
"Even people who lost their jobs are better off" under Obama (video follows with transcript and commentary):

Morning Newscasts Still Skipping Obama Supporters' Cancer Death Ad
August 9th, 2012 5:34 PM
On Thursday morning, the Big Three continued their complete blackout on the controversy surrounding a pro-Obama super PAC's new ad that points the finger at Mitt Romney for a woman's cancer death. ABC's Good Morning America and NBC's Today minimized their political coverage. Even worse, CBS This Morning had former DNC head Ed Rendell on, but instead bringing up the hot topic, they discussed the…

George Will and Jennifer Rubin Demolish Time's Joe Klein on Gun Contro
July 22nd, 2012 1:34 PM
Time's Joe Klein on Sunday found out what it's like to actually have to debate conservatives rather than the liberal media members he normally appears with on political talk shows.
When he uttered the typical left-wing line on ABC's This Week about the need for more gun control in the wake of Friday's movie theater massacre in Aurora, Colorado, Klein got a much-needed education from George…

MSNBC's NOW With Alex Wagner Uses Aurora Shootings as Excuse to Slam N
July 20th, 2012 4:15 PM
Airing hours after the midnight mass murder in Aurora, Colorado, MSNBC's Alex Wagner was bound to devote her program to the tragic breaking news. However, unlike other journalists, Wagner used the event as a platform for extensive commentary on the politics of the gun control debate and America's "culture of violence." Wagner, an alumna of the liberal Center for American Progress, has suggested…

George Stephanopoulos: Maybe Clinton Is Right About Extending Bush Tax
June 10th, 2012 12:44 PM
Former President Bill Clinton made headlines last week when he told CNBC's Maria Bartiromo the Bush tax cuts should be extended into next year.
On ABC's This Week Sunday, Clinton's former adviser turned talk show host George Stephanopoulos asked one of his guests, "Might not he be right on the issue of extending the tax cuts at least for two or three or four months into next year to get over…

Bias Alert: Former DNC Chairman Looks to Buy Philadelphia's Two Major
February 22nd, 2012 4:26 PM
According to Wednesday's Washington Times, the former Chairman of the Democratic National Committee is looking to purchase Philadelphia's two major newspapers, raising concerns of liberal bias. Paul Davies, the Philadelphia Inquirer's former deputy editorial page editor slammed the possible move, saying, "Essentially, the Inquirer will cease to exist as a legitimate newspaper."
Ex-DNC chair…

Maddow Can't Bear the Horror, the Horror of GOP House Victories in NY
September 15th, 2011 8:53 PM
The strangest thing happened last night on MSNBC -- its self-proclaimed civics geek Rachel Maddow ignored the results not one but two special elections the day before to fill vacancies in the House.
I know, I know, hard to believe. I mean, every time Maddow does report on elections results -- such as when Democrats win -- she'll segue into her reporting by mock drumming to NBC's bombastic…

Maddow and Rendell Oh So Amused by Quip Involving 'Hideous Child
August 16th, 2011 5:53 PM
Liberals like Rachel Maddow and former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell often express their deep and abiding concern for the well-being of children. Well, most children anyway. Providing they aren't "hideous".
On her show last night, Maddow was talking about New York Times' columnist Paul Krugman suggesting that Americans should respond to our economic malaise as if threatened by invasion…
Ed Rendell's Convenient Spin: Bashes Fox News Now After Praising 'Very
May 24th, 2011 7:14 PM
Former Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell, D, can't seem to make up his mind on whether Fox News is "fair and balanced," or an ideologically-stilted - possibly malicious - political operation.
Rendell appeared on Ed Schultz's program Monday night to announce - presumably with a straight face - the removal by a New York Magazine cover story of the "thin veneer of impartiality that Fox may have."…

MSNBC Edges Rightward? Keith Olbermann Out, Ed Rendell Rumored To Be I
January 24th, 2011 11:34 AM
NewsBusters asked Saturday, "Does Olbermann Ouster Mean Comcast is Moving MSNBC to the Right?"
Roughly 24 hours later, Politico reported that Ed Rendell is in contract negotiations to become a pundit for the so-called news network:
AP Philly Abortion Clinic Story Gives Rendell a Pass, Misses Serious E
January 22nd, 2011 11:09 PM
In an Associated Press report by Patrick Walters yesterday afternoon, the following two reasons were offered as to why the Philadelphia abortion "clinic" operated by Dr. Kermit Gosnell, who was arrested and charged earlier this week "with murdering seven babies and one woman who went to him for an abortion," had not been inspected since 1993:
Democratic former Governor Ed Rendell, who left…