Amy McGrath

Ruhle Condemns GOP For Not Celebrating Pelosi, Hunter Investigtions
On Thursday’s edition of The 11th Hour on MSNBC, host Stephanie Ruhle condemned House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy for not gushing over Nancy Pelosi in the way that she deemed sufficient while also wondering why Republicans plan to investigate Hunter Biden when they take over the majority in January considering the DOJ exists.

ABC’s Good Morning America Avid Editor Is a Biden Donor
It looks as if an Avid Editor for ABC’s Good Morning America (GMA) news show may have violated company policy and engaged in a serious conflict of interest. Federal Election Commission records revealed that GMA Avid Editor Cybele Policastro had donated $225 so far to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden.

New NPR CEO John Lansing Gave Cash to Dems Just Before Taking New Role

CNN Panel Declares Amy McGrath's Kavanaugh Flip-Flop a 'Disaster'

Laura Ingraham Highlight's NBC's Fawning Over Amy McGrath

Solid: Tapper Grills McGrath About Comparing Trump’s Election to 9/11
Amidst the liberal media’s Beto-like treatment for Kentucky senatorial candidate Amy McGrath (D) and NBC’s hit piece against McGrath opponent and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, CNN’s The Lead host Jake Tapper didn’t follow in lockstep on Tuesday, pressing McGrath on her long odds and her gross analogy comparing the 2016 election to September 11, 2001.

‘Whole New Ballgame’; Mitchell Cheers ‘Louisville Slugger’ Amy McGrath
As Logan Dobson pointed out on Twitter, it’s been all hands on deck in the last 24 hours for NBC has partnered with its journalists and platforms (including MSNBC) to give former Marine and failed Kentucky congressional candidate Amy McGrath (D) the full Beto O’Rourke treatment in conjunction with her campaign Tuesday morning against Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.

Morning Joe Awards 11 Minutes to Dem Running Against Mitch McConnell

‘Heartbreaking’: CNN Reluctantly Admits There Was No ‘Blue Wave’

ABC: ‘Bobby Kennedy’ Beto O'Rourke Has ‘Electrified’ Texas Race

ABC Anchor: ‘Trump Is So Unpopular,’ ‘Why Is This Not a Blowout?'

Nets Hail ‘History’ and ‘Progress’ of Dem Primary Winners