Last night Show Time aired the season premiere of The Affair, a show about extramarital relations that somehow managed to make it into a second season. That’s not the only thing that got some air time though. Within the first half of the show, viewers got a taste of blatant Hillary Clinton campaign propaganda.
In a scene where main character Noah is gathering his stuff to move out of the family home, his son comes running up to him sporting a blue shirt with big white letters reading “Hillary 2016.” How adorable.
In the scene, Noah explains to his Clinton t-shirt wearing son why he and his wife are getting a divorce. Apparently no ordinary t-shirt would work for the scene and what better way to get the “vote Hillary” message out than exploit a little kid.
Although the scene is brief, the shameless Hillary shirt is undoubtedly the primary focus. Why on earth is a kid wearing a “Hillary 2016” shirt anyways? Resorting to such low tactics could only come from liberals.
If it isn’t ironic that a show called The Affair features a Hillary shirt, we don’t know what is. But then, it depends on the meaning of “is.”