'Compassion over Contracts

October 5th, 2005 2:00 PM

New from the Business & Media Institute

'Compassion over Contracts'
Lawyers are attacking insurance contracts in the Gulf region, claiming private insurers should pick up the tab for uninsured hurricane losses. The devastation is heartbreaking, and the media are allowing themselves to get caught up in victims stories. But they are failing to point out that an attack on a contract is an attack on the viability of the industry itself.

Herman Cain: Free the Gas Market
President Bush has had some good ideas about lifting government restrictions that squeeze our gasoline supply. Americans are conserving, but demand is rising worldwide. Now is the time for Congress to take action to free the market.

North Pole in Peril
Is the Arctic ice cap melting away? Scientists on both sides of the global warming debate say no in contrast to the medias latest alarmist reports.

The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly tracks the best and worst media coverage of business and economics. Readers are invited to submit suggestions or news tips to Director Dan Gainor.
This week: A Fortune in business coverage and intelligent ways to cut poverty; predictable reactions to the childhood food pyramid; and misinterpreting a global warming study.

Also from BMI:

Times Joins the Anti-Corporate Bandwagon

Cartoon Pyramids, Computer Games and School Lunches

Research, News & Commentary


Commentary: The President might be setting a dangerous precedent by writing blank checks for hurricane relief.

Commentary: Dr. Anthony Lupo hops in the Wayback Machine to study U.S. records on hurricane activity. Suffice it to say, theyre incomplete.


Analysis: From roads to day care, the Heartland Institute discusses successful privatization of state programs.


Commentary: John Goodman offers a kinder, gentler flat tax with a rate of 14 percent instead of the publicized 17 percent.

Research: Kevin Hassett of the American Enterprise Institute takes a comprehensive look at the burden of taxes on low income workers.

Research: A flat tax has provided economic growth in several former Soviet satellites. The National Taxpayers Union has studied this pro-growth movement in Eastern Europe.


Analysis: The one-two punch of Rita and Katrina is an opportunity to change the energy business for the better.


Commentary: Price gouging laws: good for politicians, but bad for consumers! A little bit of Econ 101 for those with righteous anger over price gouging.

Research: With the global economy changing, it might be time to reassess how a static IMF could expand its resources.

Commentary: When it comes to pumping gas, theres no service like self-service.

Commentary: Silly laws arent just fodder for late night comics they create barriers for businesses.