Giving Thanks: 10 Cutest Videos of Little Kids Praying

November 27th, 2014 9:00 AM

What are little kids thankful for? In response to the controversial news surrounding Thanksgiving, here’s a positive media recognition of Thanksgiving –  toddler-prayer-style.

Here are 10 of the most adorable home videos of toddlers praying, found via YouTube:

1. This is how one little girl learns to say, “Thank you, Jesus.”

h/t Vicky Kallivrousis


2. She’s thankful for a lot of things – including “baby.”

h/t moviearchives


3. Sibling sing-along: “God our Father.”

h/t becbugg


4. The one who begs his mom to pray.

h/t Brenna Whitson


5. “We pray over meals but never knew what went on during those prayers ... until now.”

h/t Jaime Lewis


6. Asking God to bless … everyone.

h/t singletaryama


7. While Luke prays thank you for … everything.

h/t Anthony Arnett


8. The sweetest “Our Father” you’ve ever heard.

h/t inspirationbygod


9. The sweetest “Our Father” you’ve ever heard – times three.

h/t cwy31


10. She’s still learning to talk – but this little one knows how to say “Amen!”

h/t Alyssa020212

Happy Thanksgiving!