Jay Leno continued his humorous attacks on Barack Obama Wednesday.
During a series of opening monologue jokes about the various scandals plaguing the Administration, the NBC Tonight Show host said that with all the President appears not to know about what's going on around him, it means "They took 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' out of the Pentagon and moved it into the White House."
JAY LENO: White House officials continue to insist that President Obama knew nothing about the IRS scandal until we all heard about it in the news last week. Well, they said because there was an investigation under way, it would have been inappropriate to tell him. And besides, he was too busy not knowing anything about Benghazi to not know anything about. Yeah.
So the President didn't know about Benghazi, didn't know about the IRS scandal, didn't know about the AP scandal. You know what this means? They took “Don't Ask, Don't Tell" out of the Pentagon and moved it into the White House.