UPDATE: Not one second about the IRS scandal in the entire show. GMA just went off the air and managed to avoid mentioning the dreaded I-word. The second half-hour featured two more Powerball segments, and features on Beyoncé's possible pregnancy, Bieber's monkey, and a kangaroo. IRS scandal? What IRS scandal? ABC couldn't find a second for it.
Bianna Golodryga opened today's Good Morning America by announcing that it was "a very busy Saturday morning." So busy, in fact, that GMA couldn't spare one second in its first half-hour for the IRS scandal. That despite yesterday's stonewalling testimony by the outgoing IRS Commissioner in which he had the colossal chutzpah to deny there had been any political motive in the targeting of conservative organizations.
So what kept GMA so busy? By far the longest segment was devoted to . . . the Powerball lottery. Just in the first half-hour, GMA spent 325 seconds—over five minutes—on the lottery and its big prize. One report from stores where lottery tickets are being sold didn't suffice. There were two. Those were followed by an interview with a lottery official. GMA even managed to squeeze in a report of a bear that had climbed into a tree. But the IRS? Sorry: too busy. More after the jump.
Perhaps you thought that GMA would, at the end of the half-hour, at least alert viewers to an an upcoming IRS segment after the break? Fuggedaboutit. We were teased with the possibility that Beyoncé is preggers again, and something about Justin Bieber's monkey. Call it MoveOn.ABC: this network is clearly trying to shift public attention off the Obama scandals.