Chuck Todd: Obama 'Hates' 'Internet Media and Social Media'

April 28th, 2013 1:10 PM

NBC's Chuck Todd told an inconvenient truth about Barack Obama on Sunday's Meet the Press.

"The rise of the internet media and social media and all that stuff - he hates it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHUCK TODD: What I wonder how many people realized at the end [of Saturday's White House Correspondents' Dinner] when he did his, you know, there's always this part at the end where they get serious for a minute. And it’s usually the part where presidents say, “You know, I think the press has a good job to do and I understand what they have to do.” He didn't say that. He wasn't very complimentary of the press. You know, we all can do better.

It did seem, I thought his pot shots joke wise and then the serious stuff about the internet, the rise of the internet media and social media and all that stuff - he hates it. Okay? He hates this part of the media. He really thinks that the sort of the buzzification – this isn’t just about Buzzfeed or Politico and all this stuff - he thinks that sort of coverage of political media has hurt political discourse. He hates it. And I think he was trying to make that clear last night.

Todd was likely quite correct, but chose not to disclose why Obama hates new media. It's because most of it isn't in the tank for this President and can't be controlled by him.

That's obviously not true of folks such as Todd and his colleagues in the old media who echo the current White House resident's talking points, mercilessly attack his opponents, and cover for his missteps.

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It's therefore no wonder the President hates "the rise of the internet media and social media," and although Todd is very active on Twitter, one thinks he also hates this rise because it's making him and his colleagues less relevant.