What are the odds that Andrea Mitchell has thoroughly read the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, let alone a systematic, serious critique of it, as this one appearing at The Daily Caller?
But that didn't prevent Mitchell from bemoaning the defeat of the ratification of the treaty in the Senate yesterday thanks to Republican opposition,. Introducing a segment in which she and sponsor John Kerry engaged in a spate of mutual handwringing, Mitchell kvetched that the defeat "seemed to underscore everything that is wrong with Capitol Hill." View the video after the jump.
Does Mitchell know—or care— that as detailed in the Daily Caller article linked above, the treaty would:
- Wrest from the control of elected U.S. lawmakers the future course of many important domestic policy issues.
- Require radical revamping of many existing policies.
- Force states as well as the federal government to change their laws.
- Require many new government spending programs.
- Require the government to undertake "awareness-raising" programs.
ANDREA MITCHELL: A rare Senate appearance by former Majority Leader Bob Dole wasn't enough to win over Republican support for a treaty promising equal rights for people with disabilities . . . Hello, I'm Andrea Mitchell, live in Washington. We begin the the fallout from a Senate vote that seemed to underscore everything that's wrong with Capitol Hill--the Senate's rejection of an international treaty that guaranteed equal rights for people with disabilities.