Romney: 'My Job Is To Lay Out Positive Vision for the Future, Media's Job Is To Make Sure No One Finds Out About It'

October 19th, 2012 8:22 AM

Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney had some harsh words for the media at the Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation dinner Thursday.

"I recognize that they have their job to do, and I have my job to do. My job is to lay out a positive vision for the future of the country, and their job is to make sure no one else finds out about it" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

MITT ROMNEY: Of course rules of fairness have to be enforced, because what other safeguard do we have, besides the press?


Now I never suggest that the, that the press is biased. I recognize that they have their job to do, and I have my job to do. My job is to lay out a positive vision for the future of the country, and their job is to make sure no one else finds out about it.


Let's just say that some in the media have a certain way of -- of looking at things. When suddenly I -- I pulled ahead in some of the major polls, what was the headline? "Polls Show Obama Leading from Behind."


And I've already seen early reports from tonight's dinner, headline; "Obama Embraced by Catholics. Romney Dines with Rich People."


Funny stuff.

For an additional hoot, watch the video again, and keep your eye on Katie Couric sitting behind Romney on his right.

And after Romney's last line about dining with rich people, notice the look on Chris Matthews' face to Romney's left as the camera pans back.

Doesn't look like Romney was giving the Hardball host a thrill up his leg.