Comedienne Joy Behar is starting to realize that nobody knows or cares about the perilously liberal cable network she starts working for in September.
Promoting her soon to begin show on Al Gore's failing channel, Behar commented via Twitter Tuesday, "Current is like the g-spot of TV":
— Joy Behar (@JoyVBehar) July 31, 2012@current is like the g-spot of TV–it may be hard to find but once you find it, there’s nothing better.Channel finder
I guess no one at Current has had the heart to tell Behar the reason nobody in America knows how to find this channel is because its programs are a joke.
If there were any redeeming value to them at all, folks would happily go through the trouble of finding this farce on their video receivers.
Since this isn't the case, Behar has more chance being noticed for her comments on Twitter than anything she'll say on the air.
Oh the delicious irony.