Krauthammer Advises Romney: Memorize Daniels' SOTU Response, 'Give it Everywhere You Go, You’ll be President'

January 28th, 2012 12:18 PM

Syndicated columnist Charles Krauthammer on Friday had some high praise for Indiana Governor Mitch Daniels' Republican response to Barack Obama's State of the Union address this week along with some advice for presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

"Memorize that speech, give it everywhere you go, you’ll be president" (video follows with absolutely no need for commentary):

GORDON PETERSON: What did you think of Mitch Daniels' response?

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: It was the best response speech I’ve ever heard after State of the Union, which is a hard thing to do after the pomp and the majesty of the President’s speech. And the content of it is quite remarkable. It was the best articulation of the conservative position on the major issues - on reforms, inequality and all that - that anybody has given in this cycle. I mean, you sort of sigh and you wish he were running.

But the advice I’d give to a Mitt Romney: memorize that speech, give it everywhere you go, you’ll be president, because he took on the issues of inequality in a way that nobody else has. He said the way you want to remedy inequality in taxation is not to raise rates, which will hurt the economy. What you want to do is you want to have the rich contribute by eliminating deductions, which increases inefficiency and equity, and also, entitlement reforms so you means test and the rich will get less, which promotes social equity and debt reduction. That is the way you want to do it. Nobody else had stated it. He did it in 30 seconds. It was quite remarkable.

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