This led to the following exchange with CNN meterologist Jaqui Jeras.
JERAS: Nice.COSTELLO: So, isn't that nasty?
JERAS: Like she's going to say something good?
JERAS: Would you expect an ex-spouse to say something nice?
COSTELLO: No. But I wouldn't expect my political opponent to use the words of my ex-wife either in a campaign.
COSTELLO: I mean, that's just downright nasty.
Apparently not qualifying as a downright nasty campaign tactic was an ad run by the Corzine campaign that features a young man paralyzed in a wresting match three years ago. The young man says: "Doug Forrester doesn't support embryonic stem cell research, therefore, I don't think he supports people like me and doctors who say a cure is coming."
But Ms Costello could only find the time to talk about "just downright nasty" Republican political ads.