Krauthammer: It's Funny to Hear Liberals Talk About How Awful it is to Delegitimize a President After What They Did to Bush

April 29th, 2011 11:56 PM

Charles Krauthammer on Friday perfectly elucidated the media's hypocrisy concerning their avid defense of Barack Obama against attacks from Donald Trump and the birthers.

As the discussion on PBS's "Inside Washington"  turned to the President finally revealing his birth certificate, and liberals on the panel including the Washington Post's Colby King expressed disgust about how the White House resident was being treated, Krauthammer marvelously replied, "I think it’s somewhat amusing to hear people on the left talking about how awful it is to delegitimize a president when they spent half a decade saying that George Bush stole the election" (video follows with transcript and commentary):

CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER: I think it’s somewhat amusing to hear people on the left talking about how awful it is to delegitimize a president when they spent half a decade saying that George Bush stole the election. The bumper stickers “Reelect Al Gore,” and questioning the legitimacy of his victory in 2000. So, on that issue there’s a double standard and hypocrisy.

Two of the liberals on the panel clearly weren't pleased by this comment:


NINA TOTENBERG, NPR: That’s not personal.

KING: Consider the people who were doing it.

KRAUTHAMMER: You guys have spoken for about eight minutes. Let me have one minute here.

That's not personal? The attacks on George W. Bush throughout his eight years in office weren't personal?

Oh, that's right. When liberals mercilessly attack a conservative, it's well-reasoned. But when the shoe is on the other foot, it's personal.

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