Margaret Thatcher's family is apparently appalled at what they've been hearing about a biopic being made of the former British Prime Minister.
"Mandrake hears that the screenplay of The Iron Lady depicts Baroness Thatcher as an elderly dementia-sufferer looking back on her career with sadness," reported Britain's Telegraph Saturday.
"She is shown talking to herself and unaware that her husband, Sir Denis Thatcher, has died."
Accordingly, her family members aren't pleased (h/t NBer upcountrywater):
"Sir Mark and Carol are appalled at what they have learnt about the film," says a friend of the family. "They think it sounds like some Left-wing fantasy."
But here's the money quote:
THAT should put family members at ease.[Cameron McCracken, the managing director of the film-maker Pathé] says Lady Thatcher's health will be featured, but insists that it will be "treated with appropriate sensitivity". He adds of the film: "Although fictional, it will be fair and accurate."