The first was liberal Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger (R-Calif.) opposing expanding offshore drilling to California, the second was conservative Rep. Gene Taylor (D-Miss.), who gave a rather dopey comment where he downplayed the devastation of the oil spill by comparing its appearance to "chocolate milk."
After playing those clips back-to-back, Hall asked for Conant's reaction, mistakenly referring to Taylor as a Republican.
We at NewsBusters quickly tweeted Hall about her error and she promptly issued an on-air correction, albeit mistakenly tagging Taylor as a "Michigan Democrat" [MP3 audio available here]:
I want to make a correction. We talked about some of the political debate happening regarding offshore drilling a few minutes ago and I misidentified Congressman Gene Taylor as a Republican. He is not. He is a Democrat of Michigan [sic], and I greatly apologize for that mistake. He is the congressman who referred to the oil spill as chocolate milk.