Actress/TEA Partier Janine Turner Promotes Awareness of Nation's Founding Principles

April 19th, 2010 5:24 PM
The political inclinations of Hollywood actors, when they're publicly disclosed, are almost always reliably left-of-center. As such, it's quite refreshing to learn of another conservative or libertarian in Tinseltown, especially when the celebrity in question is actively working to advance an understanding of constitutional principles and opposing big government.

Janine Turner ("Northern Exposure", "Friday Night Lights") is one such conservative actress. Inspired by the TEA Party movement, Ms. Turner started an organization called Constituting America.

Fox Business Network's Eric Bolling interviewed Turner on Friday's "Your World with Neil Cavuto." Turner discussed her "90 in 90" initiative which launches tomorrow on her foundation's Web site,

You can watch the full interview by clicking the play button on the embed at right or listen to the audio by clicking here for the MP3.