Salon's Creepy Marcotte Stalks Random Woman Because She Overheard Her Criticize Kamala

October 21st, 2024 4:51 PM

You can’t get creepier than a vindictive Leftist.

A “journalist” for the rag, Salon wrote an essay congratulating herself for stalking a complete stranger because she overheard her complaining about Kamala Harris. 

In a piece entitled, “Trying to dance under the cloud of election anxiety,” Amanda Marcotte whined that her entire outing at a queer music festival was ruined because she and her partner “were subject” to the political ramblings of a “drunk woman.”

“We were emersed [sic] in (pop star Dua Lipa’s) curated world for over an hour, dancing and singing with an eclectic crowd of all races and sexual identities,” began Marcotte. (sounds more like an orgy.) 

That was until she was “hit with a reality check” by a “fellow concertgoer who loudly denounced her friend for voting for Vice President Kamala Harris.”

She reportedly complained how there are other issues to worry about than the right to kill pre-born babies, for example, our failing economy. A high thought crime in Salon’s Commietopia.

Marcotte wasn’t even a part of the conversation. Nor did the random lady seem to notice or care about what Marcotte called “unwilling eavesdropping” (quite the oxymoron.) 

She, in fact, had the free will to simply walk away.

But Marcotte was a victim of overhearing speech she didn’t like in a country that grants her the freedoms she ironically charges the other side with attempting to “snatch” “away.”

In the name of “protecting democracy,” her authoritarian ilk wants to police the opinions of others.

So instead of scraping this off and moving on, Marcotte kept a giant stick up her tuchus for the rest of the weekend, hopped in her car and proceeded to follow the lady all the way home.

“My suspicions about her true levels of economic anxiety were confirmed when she turned off the road into her home, in a neighborhood where houses frequently sell for over a million dollars,” wrote Marcotte, in an obsessive effort to prove some theory about a stranger she had never met before.

Apparently, nobody who makes more than the average dollar is allowed to worry about their future. According to Marcotte’s Marxist ideology, nobody should be allowed to own nice things in the first place. 

That is unless you’re a Hollywood elitist or billionaire politician flying a private jet to Davos, Switzerland to lecture the rest of us plebs about scaling down our own lives.  

“I joked to my partner, whatever actual words came out of this woman's mouth, all I could hear was, "I think complicity will save me,” Marcotte added.

 “But as more Republican women find out all the time, it really won't.” 

According to her brand of feminism, women having their own opinions means they can’t think for themselves  - of course!