Olbermann's Violent Palin Fantasy

November 5th, 2008 9:21 PM

If Keith Olbermann is going to engage in violent fantasies about Sarah Palin, can't he at least come up with some original material?  On tonight's Countdown, Olbermann drooled at the prospect of Palin remaining in national politics, saying:

She might stick around to be the slowest-moving target imaginable for comedians and commentators. It would be like shooting moose from a chopper.
Despicable, yes.  But also a "borrowing" of Bidenesque proportions.  As we noted here, Bill Maher plumbed those noisesome depths weeks ago, imagining Palin being "shot from a plane" like a wolf.

Olbermann got off his loathsome line in a conversation with Chris Kofinis, a former John Edwards aide.
KEITH OLBERMANN: Sarah Palin's role in this. Now this poll from, about who Republicans want to lead them.  Romney and Huckabee both finished ahead of her in that poll.  If she does not, say, leave politics voluntarily or involuntarily in Alaska, she might stick around to be the slowest-moving target imaginable for comedians and commentators.  It would be like shooting moose from a chopper.

Kofinis clearly found that funny, as he can be heard giggling.  But is there any doubt that if the tables were turned, Olbermann wouldn't settle for a mere Worst Person nomination, and demand the Secret Service investigate a conservative who had descended to such odious depths?

Note: Ed Driscoll points out this isn't the first time Olbermann's fantasized about offing a woman political opponent.