Pop star Kesha is out with a new song blasting the intersectional left’s number one, most-hated target – or, as Rolling Stone excitedly reported, “Kesha Rids the World of ‘Rich, White, Straight Men’ on New Track.”
The artist formerly known as Ke$ha posted the song literally titled ‘Rich, White, Straight, Men’ on YouTube on Sunday, apparently without the approval of her record label. The video accompanying the song is just a repeated loop of Kesha giving the camera the middle finger, which makes it the most honest depiction of the entertainment industry’s attitude toward middle America I’ve ever seen. The song itself is no better.
In the song, Kesha imagines a world of unicorns and rainbows without rich, white, straight men, where everyone has free healthcare and college, and women “own” their lady parts. (Apparently she didn’t get the memo that the phrase “lady parts” is “narrow, alienating, and just plain hurtful” to the trans community.)
Here are the lyrics for the first verse – the words in the parentheses are said by a (presumably) rich, white, straight man:
You could ride a unicorn to school
And if you fall off, you'd have healthcare
(No, you don’t)
And if you finish school, you'd go to college for free
That makes sense and that's fair
(No, it’s not)
And if you were a lady
Then you own your lady parts
Just like a man goes to a dealership
And then he owns a car
Vroom, vroom
Fuck you (Fuck you)
The chorus features Kesha singing, “What if rich, white, straight men didn't rule the world anymore?” Followed by the rich, white, straight man laughing. She also sings, “God is a woman, I know her,” because apparently that’s a popular thing to say these days.
The second verse is just more left-wing claptrap against the border wall, forcing Christians to violate their religious beliefs, and propaganda about the discredited wage gap:
If you're from another land, then come here
You won't have to climb a wall
(Yes, you will!)
And if you are a boy who loves a boy
You'll get a wedding cake and all
(Not in Colorado!)
And if you are a lady and you do your lady work
Then you will make as many dollars as the boys
Not just two thirds
Fuck you (Fuck you)
The bridge of the song provides an opportunity for Kesha to twist a children’s nursery rhyme into incoherent profanity:
Twinkle, twinkle little star
How I wish the world was different
Where who you love and who you are
Was nobody’s fucking business
It would be nice if “who you love and who you are” was really nobody’s business but instead there are “Pride” parades and events all month long demanding attention, acceptance, and celebration - including by Kesha herself.
"’Rich, White, Straight, Men’ is about who rules the world,” according to MTV. “What would happen if they weren't there? Kesha sings about this with fire in her eyes, happily listing the ways that it would be better.”
Calling the leaked song “an unprecedented and ultimately enjoyable change,” Jezebel enthused that it “look forward to … a whole album” like it.
NME said, “The singer imagines a fairer world in the new track,” and noted Kesha’s participation in the “’Universal Love’ EP, which saw artists putting new spins on classic love songs, flipping the original personal pronouns around and swapping genders to highlight love between people of all sexualities.”
From singing the song “Here Comes The Change” for the movie about Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg On The Basis of Sex in 2018, to performing a concert at the 2016 DNC where she also called for gun control, Kesha has gotten increasingly political. I don't think it's any coincidence that her music has gone downhill, too.