CBS Buries Own Poll Result That Shows 43 Percent of Dems Liked Trump’s Speech

February 1st, 2018 5:52 PM

According to a CBS News/YouGov poll a pretty impressive 43 percent of Democrats approved of Donald Trump’s State of the Union speech. However, you wouldn’t know this if you only watched the next day’s editions of CBS This Morning or CBS Evening News

So far, only CBS’s streaming service CBSN has revealed that number. CBSN’s Anne-Marie Green, on January 31, reported the following: 

ANNE-MARIE GREEN: So we’re following the latest reaction to President Trump’s State of the Union speech. In a CBS News poll most Republicans watching the speech overwhelmingly approved of the President’s message. While 43 percent of Democrats and 72 percent of independents said that they approved of the speech.



An accompanying graphic to Green’s report showed that, among speech watchers, 97 percent of Republicans approved of Trump’s speech, with 72 percent of independents approving of it, and 43 percent of Democrats liking it. 


Curiously, that 43 percent figure did not appear on the January 31 editions of CBS This Morning or CBS Evening News. That data point also did not show up in this January 30 article on the poll results. 

In fact, the only mention of the poll results, on CBS’s broadcast programs, came in a 17-second brief by co-host John Dickerson on the January 31 edition of CBS This Morning:   

JOHN DICKERSON: A CBS news poll shows three out of four Americans who saw the speech approve of the president’s message. Eight in ten Americans who watched say they believe Mr. Trump was trying to unite the country rather than divide it. The audience, according to our poll, was 42 percent Republican, and 25 percent Democrat.

H/T Washington Examiner’s Paul Bedard.